The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

What "normal" career do you other adults wish you had pursued? I've always been sour I didn't intern at a garage. Wish I knew more about cars than I do. You make good money eventually, you save money doing your own shit, and it's a hospitable environment for my preferred music. Even your regular clients are gonna be likable because car people usually are.

I almost went into something involving computers. I'm good with languages and computer programming is learning a language. I built my own computer when I was 18 with graduation money. Used it to play around with different Linux setups and shit. Ultimately I couldn't see myself working in a cubicle staring at a screen for eight hours a day (going back to your statement regarding where you'd want to work). I can do the suit and tie business casual bullshit. I wear a clean, semi decent collared shirt and jeans everyday to work and work with students. It can be frustrating at times, and I have zero free time during the fall and spring, but I absolutely love it
What "normal" career do you other adults wish you had pursued? I've always been sour I didn't intern at a garage. Wish I knew more about cars than I do. You make good money eventually, you save money doing your own shit, and it's a hospitable environment for my preferred music. Even your regular clients are gonna be likable because car people usually are.

This is a nice question. You're good at that, Carpe. Like thinking of good questions that people would like to answer.

I actually wanted to be an actress since I was little. I pursued it for awhile too and made (very little) money from it. I even wrote my own play. I did the struggle, i.e. worked many side jobs danced gigs, waitressed, and whatever off-broadway shit i got. But i also have this paranoia too about staying one place too long. If shit isn't working out i gotta go. My mom retired since her health is not good and i just decided i needed to stop the bouncing around job to job thing and to help her with bills. So then i got a job working at this place that helps people with developmental disabilities. Then got recruited for the teaching fellows. I like teaching, its a challenge and it keeps my mind busy.
Laying in bed browsing UM. Listening to fucking Crystal Logic and enjoying the fact that for the first time in eight days I get to stay up late and possibly sleep in (just finished a stretch of seven shifts).

Pay's gonna be nice.
Drinking coffee, acouple buddies got me to drink yesterday and hope a higher power makes me feel human again.
Was a complete fucking scumbag today. Called off work for no reason at all. Drank beer and liquor all day. Ordered pizza. Feel like shit. Fuck everything.

If you don't sober up they're going to take all your shit.
You don't want them to take your shit while you can't function at the sametime. That's when they do it.
Cut back on drinking the last few weeks and had a heart attack scare today--correlation?

It sucked. I started having some bad chest pains that were sporadically resonating into my arm last night. Decided to go to bed and wait to see if it went away. I woke up feeling exactly the same. Studied for an exam and went to class. Then I went to the campus clinic. They were concerned and sent me to an urgent care. Went to an urgent care, had an EKG, and they said it was a heart attack. They told me I needed to go to the nearest hospital and they wanted to call an ambulance. The nearest hospital was outside of my insurance network and I couldn't afford an ambulance. Drove myself to the next closest one that also had the proper equipment. Fortunately, Baltimore has a few good hospitals, so it was about a 25 minute drive. Was told by urgent care that they were phoning them and that I would get straight in. I get there and had to fill out more forms and wait again. Got a room and had some tests. Six hours later and they tell me everything was fine. The pain is still the same. I'm not looking forward to this hospital bill.

To say the least, it sucked. It's a strange feeling to be told that your death has just become imminently closer, only to wait in traffic lights and clutch your chest over every pothole in the road. I tried to insist on walking between rooms, but they preferred a wheel chair--smile at an mouth-breathing old person here, high five a clueless child there. What's up with the 1-10 pain scale, anyhow? I prevented myself from entering into an internal debate aloud about the arbitrary nature of assigning a number to pain. Maybe its a 6 now, but may actually a 7? Perhaps I should have ranked it on the Jimmy scale and explained that?
Google "costochondritis". It's a condition I have and the symptoms are very similar to a heart attack but it's not a heart attack. Then again, if you had an ekg and they said it looked like one, I guess it was a heart attack.
Oops, read it on my phone and missed the thing about the medical staff saying it was a heart attack. Do you have blockages etc? Kind of random for someone young and skinny.
The doctor at the urgent care thought it was a heart attack. The doctor at the hospital said she immediately disagreed at a glance with the other doctor's EKG diagnosis and that the other tests confirmed her suspicion. They did a bunch of tests and I'm above average pretty much every category. Before I left the hospital, they basically said I'm perfectly fine and would be more than welcome to go on a run when I got home. For whatever it's worth, my BPM was averaging 52-3 while I was hooked up to the monitors. So I'm definitely not out of shape.

Scary indeed. Everything appeared fine. Hopefully the pain dissipates within the next couple of days--its been consistent for almost 30 hours now. Thanks @Satanstoenail

@Dak No blockages. They didn't do a CT scan, but tested hormone levels that would have risen if a blockage occurred.

The funny thing is is that the ensuing medical bill is going to ruin my cheap-as-possible plan to spend a month in Germany over the winter, which I was researching right before the pain started. It started as soon as I stood up after making a plan that would work out.
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From the wikipedia page:

Costochondritis, also known as chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome, or costosternal chondrodynia[1] is an acute[2] and often temporary inflammation of thecostal cartilage, the structure that connects each rib to the sternum at the costosternal joint. The condition is a common cause of chest pain.[1][3][4] Though costochondritis often resolves on its own, it can be a recurring condition that has little or no signs of onset.[5]

Costochondritis symptoms can be similar to the chest pain associated with a heart attack.[6][7] Unexplained chest pain is considered a medical emergency until life-threatening cardiac issues can be ruled out.[4][7] Severe cases of costal cartilage inflammation that also involve painful swelling are sometimes referred to as Tietze's syndrome, a term sometimes used interchangeably with costochondritis. However, some physicians view costochondritis and Tietze's syndrome as separate disease states due to the absence of costal cartilage swelling in costochondritis."
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The doctor at the urgent care thought it was a heart attack. The doctor at the hospital said she immediately disagreed at a glance with the other doctor's EKG diagnosis and that the other tests confirmed her suspicion. They did a bunch of tests and I'm above average pretty much every category. Before I left the hospital, they basically said I'm perfectly fine and would be more than welcome to go on a run when I got home. For whatever it's worth, my BPM was averaging 52-3 while I was hooked up to the monitors. So I'm definitely not out of shape.

Scary indeed. Everything appeared fine. Hopefully the pain dissipates within the next couple of days--its been consistent for almost 30 hours now. Thanks @Satanstoenail

@Dak No blockages. They didn't do a CT scan, but tested hormone levels that would have risen if a blockage occurred.

The funny thing is is that the ensuing medical bill is going to ruin my cheap-as-possible plan to spend a month in Germany over the winter, which I was researching right before the pain started. It started as soon as I stood up after making a plan that would work out.
Shit, hope you're doing better man.
Yeah seriously man, Ive had similar shit happen to me and It turned out it was anxious, combination of school and a lingering fear that I will die of a heart attack if I don't get off my lazy ass. Also I drink with my friends too much

Fuck it though, If i have a disease I don't want to know, Id honestly rather it kill me