The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm all for decriminalization, no one should go to jail for having bud on them. But i'm absolutely 100% against totally legalizing it. I'm a full blown weed smoker, have been for most of my life. But this whole new romanticization of weed and all these new pot hipsters are just getting out of hand. And the whole straw-man rebuttal of "but alcohol is legal, but cigarettes..." is just plain ridiculous.

I'm kind surprised that this shitty, money-hungry, penny-pinching, filthy state wasnt the first state to legalize it.

I don't smoke weed, but I'm for total decriminalisation because freedom. I like freedom.

She had a big debate about Revelation with HamburgerBoy in the extreme mixtape game and has vowed to never return apparently. Shame really, she was a good poster imo.

I thought the ragequit debate was about whether Pagan Altar was a real band or not?
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I can't stand modern hipster "weed culture" that seems to really be prevalent in the more liberal states. Hipsters suck. Basically, they smoke weed from pipes, and cook with weed. Stoners are cool though. Stoners are those who smoke weed and aren't all stupid about it.

I think alcohol is a sad drug though. I can't stand to watch people get drunk, they act ignorant. I guess that's how I acted when high on glue (what do you call trying to jump over the couch, yelling to make sure there are no ghosts around etc.). Really, sniffing glue is ignorant in itself and makes people more ignorant. It's mechanism of action is similar to alcohol, and it also is an asphyxiant. It's worse for you too.

In the end, I don't really give a fuck if someone I don't even know does heroin. It makes no difference in my life. I just don't give a fuck.
Basing that on crime stats or something?

Basing it on experience and growing up around dope for most of my life. Anyone that's been raised around drugs, or is an actual user themselves will most likely tell you the same thing. I remember you saying you had a few users in in your family/circle, so i'm kind of surprised that your questioning me here.

I have seen way too many lives ruined because of dope for me to ever be one of those faggot hipsters who condones legalization and such when most of them are just some fat suits politicians or new school hipsters from the suburbs, both of whom have probably never been around hard drugs or weed and therefore have never experienced and felt the havoc and wreckage of what drugs can do to a person/family/community.
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My life was mostly ruined by alcoholic scum, not weed users. Also, it's retarded that people keep framing it as some hipsterism, that's not an argument.

Weed when used by people that are relatively normal usually just turns them into either boring drones that nobody wants to be around or weirdo conspiracy theorists.