The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not giving a fuck about looking like an idiot is pretty hardcore, brah.

See the mullet? Don't give a FUCK. He'll wear a dress too, pussy.
looking like an idiot? Lol, dont you sport those retarded JNCO clown pants and corny ass bandanas? You're the last person here who should be talking about looking like an idiot.

Anyway, chicks with mullets look beyond retarded. While a guy who sports a proper mullet looks bad ass.

It's really dumb. I forget shit like that all the time especially when it comes to ladies (and especially if they reach out to me needing a place to stay). Ah well. I wouldn't have gone out if I knew that was her intentions tbh because what dude would say no lol.

It is what it is.
Great multi-page bunch of willy-waving about weed there, guys. CIG and TechBarb are fucking hardcore, make no mistake. Did everyone get that? FUCKING EDIBLES PFFFT STUPID NOOB I SMOKE USING MY HEAD AS A BONG DONT EVEN START WITH THIS FUCKING EDIBLES BULLSHIT FUCKING LIGHTWEIGHT GAY CUNT

Willy-waving? I don't even smoke weed, I find stoners to be pretty insufferable actually.
Nice rant there though, pretty hardcore and all.

It's funny how you and CIG both do that also. Totally getting under my skin there brodude.

Need a tissue cunt?
Ever go to a show thinking its a chance to catch up with friends and it turns out it's not because said friends wanna bang some dude in the band n not actually hang out with you? yeah.

This is 80% of the reason I hardly ever hang with single women anymore. Whether it's a show or literally anything else. I'm not getting ignored because the bitch is thirsty, and I'm not putting up with them acting different because some hot dude is around.
My week ended at 77 hours on the clock. Trying to recover all day. Need to log onto shudder and find something worth watching.
What is shudder?

I am staying inside and drinking beer and watching TV. Way too fucking hot to be outside but I was outside for a minute fixing something on my car
Shudder is basically horror movie netflix. Im not sure it's worth the $4.99 a month long term but it seems pretty cool for a couple months worth of shit.