The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Willy-waving? I don't even smoke weed, I find stoners to be pretty insufferable actually.
Nice rant there though, pretty hardcore and all.

Need a tissue cunt?

Do you think it makes Americans (and Canadians, I guess) sad that they can't use this word anywhere near as effectively as people from the UK, Australia, Ireland, etc. ?


Glorious indeed. Have you seen YOLO and YOLO 2? His finest work I reckon.
Fuck, I was with my friends yesterday and we were downing beers, then I ate a hot-dog. My stomach started aching badly and I felt I had to take a shit. Thought I would get home on time but my guts were wrenching in such a weird way I sensed it would be impossible so I just apologised to my friends and said I had to go and went into bushes to take a shit. It was the first time I have had a shit outside, it was a really bizarre experience for me and I don't feel good with that. It was such a relief, I could compare it to having an orgasm. Has anyone had to take a shit outside except for me?
Damn, I missed the edibles debate. In my experience, edibles were less efficient because you would have to consume roughly a gram of weed for one session, where if I smoked it I could probably make that same amount last through about at least 5 or 6 smoking sessions (solo). Intensity and duration be damned, it's still less efficient. I have also seen data that suggests that the bioavailability of smoking is more than double that of it being eaten, corroborating my experience. Id rather smoke it anyhow as I like the high better.

Willy-waving? I don't even smoke weed, I find stoners to be pretty insufferable actually.

lol, in my experience there is definitely some truth to this. I met a lot of stoners at college, and most of them were dumbfucks who were just obsessed with talking about weed and having pseudo-intellectual conversations about spiritual experiences. Then again, not all stoners are these types, so I tend to smoke with people who are an exception to the rule.

@Satanstoenail There's nothing cool or hardcore about smoking weed. I consider it a drug, the only drug that i've been addicted to. So i'm the last person you'll ever hear acting like its cool or some shit to smoke weed.

Id say the coolness is in the experience and not in the act. Since I think it makes certain things better (like concerts, music, driving), id have to disagree. It is a drug, and so is alcohol, but I bet you wont knock drinking beer and doing shots.

Fuck, I was with my friends yesterday and we were downing beers, then I ate a hot-dog. My stomach started aching badly and I felt I had to take a shit. Thought I would get home on time but my guts were wrenching in such a weird way I sensed it would be impossible so I just apologised to my friends and said I had to go and went into bushes to take a shit. It was the first time I have had a shit outside, it was a really bizarre experience for me and I don't feel good with that. It was such a relief, I could compare it to having an orgasm. Has anyone had to take a shit outside except for me?

Actually no, ive never had to shit outside, but the relief you get from finally sitting on the toilet and letting it rip when you really have to go definitely cannot be understated. It is indeed glorious.
Nasty ass storm lastnight
Leaky roof, coming through the kitchen ceiling
A bedroom window needs caulked, it was leaking down into our room. The basement.
So now I gotta get in the attic and see what's up. And also will probably have to blackjack the roof.
Not posting this because I want to get into another spliff measuring contest, but for anyone interested in the potential of cannabis edibles when done the right way, this is a good listen:

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Terrence McKenna has some fun theories, in the same way some conspiracy nuts almost make sense, but at the end of the day he was just another spirit-tard trying to glorify drug consumption.

I didn't watch that vid because I'm at the office but I did find his food of the gods theory interesting, if not flawed.
Fuck, I was with my friends yesterday and we were downing beers, then I ate a hot-dog. My stomach started aching badly and I felt I had to take a shit. Thought I would get home on time but my guts were wrenching in such a weird way I sensed it would be impossible so I just apologised to my friends and said I had to go and went into bushes to take a shit. It was the first time I have had a shit outside, it was a really bizarre experience for me and I don't feel good with that. It was such a relief, I could compare it to having an orgasm. Has anyone had to take a shit outside except for me?

Sometimes the well sites I go to are bare except for our containment we are there to clean. It's either find a place or shit yourself.

Find a decent tree either uphill or downhill. If it's uphill grab that motherfucker with both hands and hold your ass out and let it fly. Remember to tuck your pants forward.

If it's downhill just lean against it. And again, mind your pants.
Terrence McKenna has some fun theories, in the same way some conspiracy nuts almost make sense, but at the end of the day he was just another spirit-tard trying to glorify drug consumption.

I didn't watch that vid because I'm at the office but I did find his food of the gods theory interesting, if not flawed.

Yeah, tbh I'm skeptical about the extent to which he believed some his theories myself; they're more like interesting works of science fiction that are extra compelling because of the fact that he weaves in things that are actually true. I put his subjective drug experience stuff into a different category than his theories about mushrooms stimulating human evolution or the universe being drawn causally backwards towards the singularity.

As to glorifying drug use, I'd say say a film like Scarface probably did more for drug glorification than Terrence McKenna ever managed. His agenda was more just to put forward the case for the mind expanding effects of psychedelics. It wasn't a "drugs are cool" type of thing (I doubt that's what you were saying, but it's an important distinction).
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Accurate. His claim that they do expand the mind are what I fundamentally disagree with though. Everyone has limitations and hallucinogenics can only tap into what's already there. Usually in a stupid, convoluted way, like you realize you should quit your shitty job because the chair told you so and we're all like connected to our furniture, man.
Id say the coolness is in the experience and not in the act. Since I think it makes certain things better (like concerts, music, driving), id have to disagree. It is a drug, and so is alcohol, but I bet you wont knock drinking beer and doing shots.

Yea, there's nothing wrong with being a recreational smoker, i said that's what my current goal is a few pages ago. Also, i definitely would not condone being an alocholic and taking shots and drinking beer every single day, that's worse than being a pothead.
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I'm drinking some kombucha and trying very hard to get the 3-star rating for the last GPX circuit on Mario Kart 8 200cc. I did all the others without too much trouble.
Accurate. His claim that they do expand the mind are what I fundamentally disagree with though. Everyone has limitations and hallucinogenics can only tap into what's already there. Usually in a stupid, convoluted way, like you realize you should quit your shitty job because the chair told you so and we're all like connected to our furniture, man.

Lol yh, I guess if hallucinogens really did expand one's mind you'd figure that seasoned psychedelic users would all be these really clued in, enlightened people, which is (in my experience) far from the truth. But I think, like a lot of things, it's more of a tool than an end in itself. You could make similar arguments about literature, meditation or art appreciation - many of the people into these are some of the most up themselves, abstracted from reality people you can imagine - but approached correctly each pursuit has the ability to enrich one's life. I guess if the overall culture's attitude towards psychedelics was a little more open they might be more liable to be used in the right way, rather than at parties or with groups of people just sitting around having really dumb, paranoid conversations and communicating with their furniture.
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