The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's always seemed strange to me that there are quite a few of you who only post in the social section of this board and rarely if ever in the metal part. Like you Dak, and Rms, Einherjar, Jimmy Dead, Black Orifice, etc.
I used to post a bit on the metal side. I'm so busy now I rarely have time to look over there, much less post. I do check on the metal side occasionally to get recs and whatnot but I see no point in arguing about metal at this point, and I'm definitely not able to contribute recs and whatnot more than some of the dedicated metalheads here.
I'm surprised anyone here actually uses the forum structure to find threads - 99% of the time I go by notifications or new posts. The only drawback with checking new posts is I get exposed to all the bullshit discussions in the Amorphis forum (seriously why is that going so strong when most of the other band forums are dead?).
Fair enough.

I'm surprised anyone here actually uses the forum structure to find threads - 99% of the time I go by notifications or new posts. The only drawback with checking new posts is I get exposed to all the bullshit discussions in the Amorphis forum (seriously why is that going so strong when most of the other band forums are dead?).

No idea, I don't frequent the other subforums, except sometimes the "Old-School" one, but people rarely post there.

Maybe we should go to the Amorphis forum and ask their opinions on Privilege of Evil and the Karelian Isthmus to test out what you were saying the other day.
Pretty sure they'd be too busy posting hundreds of pictures of the band from slightly different angles and discussing the band members' heights to take us up on that. Or they'd be like Karelian wut?
Yeah, I'm prob an exception when it comes to metalheads, but I find the less I know about the source of the music I like, usually the better. I'm not even a big fan of live metal for the most part. It usually involves annoying crowds in one way or another and/or bad acoustics/sound engineering. Blasting some thrash or death or whatever metal at my desk, or in my car, or in my ear while running is enough.
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I don't go to many live shows either, mainly for the same reason. My neck is always stiff as fuck for days after from the headbanging as well. I've seen Morbid Angel several times though and they were always cool (90% of the set was always their old stuff).
It's always seemed strange to me that there are quite a few of you who only post in the social section of this board and rarely if ever in the metal part. Like you Dak, and Rms, Einherjar, Jimmy Dead, Black Orifice, etc.
It's also because people get sick of having the same arguments and discussing the same shit over and over but still enjoy hanging out here in this lovely pleasant community.
It's always seemed strange to me that there are quite a few of you who only post in the social section of this board and rarely if ever in the metal part. Like you Dak, and Rms, Einherjar, Jimmy Dead, Black Orifice, etc.

I used to post on the metal board a fair amount. I kind of lost my interest in constantly seeking out music on internet boards, in part because my tastes have shifted over the years and also because other priorities gotten in the way. The guys on the social board are a pretty interesting bunch, so they keep me coming back. I mostly lurk, but I get on posting kicks every once in a while.

I don't go to many live shows either, mainly for the same reason. My neck is always stiff as fuck for days after from the headbanging as well. I've seen Morbid Angel several times though and they were always cool (90% of the set was always their old stuff).

Interesting, I mostly prefer live shows. That's the main way I find new bands nowadays.
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All this talk about not being able to teach while hungover. I don't think I could get through a lesson plan unless I was drinking before it. I also found that my best classes teaching were when I just fucking winged the whole fucking thing and forced my students to talk instead of me reading from a stupid outline I made for myself.
I agree with him actually and my best lessons were winged instead of planned as well. Now I do mostly improvising with an outline as a back up if I get too side tracked.
Interesting, I mostly prefer live shows. That's the main way I find new bands nowadays.

Me too, but I haven't been going as much lately. Once you buy a house you have to pick and choose what you want to go to and can't just indiscriminately go to every local show. That and if it's a Saturday night I can barely stay awake past 11 PM anymore.
I agree with him actually and my best lessons were winged instead of planned as well. Now I do mostly improvising with an outline as a back up if I get too side tracked.

You guys also teach adults. Kids it's a little different. To me, it seems,as though they need more structure. Adults definitely need less and giving them the opportunity to talk is awesome. I actually try to plan my lessons where I'm only talking for 10-15 minutes tops. The rest is them doing the work and I'm just falicitating. That and those kids don't have much of an attention span lol
the less I know about the source of the music I like, usually the better.

It bugs me that people focus so fucking much upon lyrics and band's 'philosophies' or 'ideologies'. I don't give a fuck about any of that. Much more interested in hearing about how people write and record the music and the gear, technologies and processes used but most interviews, and most discussions, never seem to get beyond which band influenced which band.

Packing shit for Bloodstock and changing the mp3s for the car. Line up is never that great but I've gone pretty much every year since they started doing it outdoors. Will get to see Venom, Akercocke, Rotting Christ and some other shit and have a merry time so it's all good.