The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah, it's really the most garbage shift there is. You think oh gee that's great I can get errands ran when stores are all open and spend all this precious daylight outside! Wrong. You fucking sleep all day until it's time to work again.

My insomnia was bad enough when I started that I figured trying to sleep during the day couldn't be any harder. So wrong.
I wish there were schools I could work at that start at like 7pm and finish at 1am or something. I'm such a night owl that even when I have to be up for work at 7:30am, I still don't go to bed until 2-3am which means I'm usually tired as fuck.

My sleeping pattern is even worse now that I've been off for a few weeks, been going to bed at 6am! It's annoying that it's apparently socially unacceptable to keep these hours. My friends think I'm lazy for getting up in the afternoon (when I'm not working) when in reality I sleep much less than they do.

I've kept these hours for as long as I remember (since like 11 at least). I remember always being tired at school due to not sleeping until 2-3am, and some cunts decided to spread this rumour that I was on crack because they said I looked high from tiredness.
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Shit, it's been a while since I've been here.
May have been because I was recovering from a suicide attempt...
Bah, still trying to get my life back on track, working two jobs and taking a semester off school
I still hate life and sometimes kinda wish I'd succeeded
Fuck man, life can get bad.

I picked up smoking at the beginning of this year.. I moved to chew and dip and my dad found out because i didnt make any effort to hide it, He threatened to send me to rehab if i continued drinking and smoking because i have a "genetic predisposition" to it. What ever. I convinced him to let me grow out my hair if i quit. Fuck it, ill be 18 in a year. Hes a lawyer and its apparently illegal for a minor to own tobacco in Georgia, LOL.
Yeah i dont know, im young and stupid.
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I wish there were schools I could work at that start at like 7pm and finish at 1am or something. I'm such a night owl that even when I have to be up for work at 7:30am, I still don't go to bed until 2-3am which means I'm usually tired as fuck.

My sleeping pattern is even worse now that I've been off for a few weeks, been going to bed at 6am! It's annoying that it's apparently socially unacceptable to keep these hours. My friends think I'm lazy for getting up in the afternoon (when I'm not working) when in reality I sleep much less than they do.

I've kept these hours for as long as I remember (since like 11 at least). I remember always being tired at school due to not sleeping until 2-3am, and some cunts decided to spread this rumour that I was on crack because they said I looked high from tiredness.

A 7-1 wouldn't be so bad. It's the 11 to 7 that fucking blows. And it is precisely because it's not socially acceptable, in a way. When you're awake, hardly anything is open or going on, because pretty much the entire world runs on a 9-5 or some close daytime variant.
At Rogers Ohio huge ass open air flea market waiting on my wife. Haven't seen her in two weeks while her mom has been training her for a job.

Looked around a bit, did find 2 Armored Saint vinyls for pretty fucking cheap.
Bout to go for some pre-Anaal drinks.

Don't really know anything after The Codex Necro but the ticket's free.
Alas, they played nothing from it. And everything blurred into one long, boring song. A shame, as they perform well and the crowd was decent.
Re sleeping: I've always been a night owl. Even when I was a baby my mother said it would drive her nuts because I'd sleep all day and then be up at night.

For work I've developed a crazy sleeping pattern because I can't sleep at night. I take a three hour nap during the day (until 7pm or 8pm), do work until 12 am and then go to bed at 2 am and I'm up at 5:00am to be at work at 7am.