The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

edit: most schools don't have a cool stem project. I think if a school was focused on stem it wouldn't be that successful depending on the area. Kids want to feel like the people on tv. Sports and arts work at least for the younger ones. Need something that they care about to help motivate them. If you tell them "I'm taking away your stem project if you don't do well in your academics!" they'd start acting up to get it taken away :lol:

That's only a testament to how backwards and degenerate a significant part of America is. I can't wait until China fucking kills us.
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business is a science hurr durr that's why you can get a bachelor and master of science in it

public funding should not be spent on special needs kids in art schools, at the very least put them in a trade school for fucks sake

liberal arts, ethnology, gender studies, and other shit degrees should be thrown out of every curriculum
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Uh sorry buddy but business is a bullshit degree too. A person can also get a M.A. in many STEM fields, doesn't mean they're studying art.
Which policy are you referring to?

The one child policy, which is now a two child policy. I haven't read much about it for years but I remember hearing that the policy has created a very unbalanced male vs female dynamic, which has population implications etc.

*throws at every nearly every scholarly academic institution*

The one child policy, which is now a two child policy. I haven't read much about it for years but I remember hearing that the policy has created a very unbalanced male vs female dynamic, which has population implications etc.


They have over a billion people. Killing themselves would be encouraging people to have large families. The one child policy probably saved them a lot of grief they'd be suffering with right now had it not been implemented.
They have over a billion people. Killing themselves would be encouraging people to have large families. The one child policy probably saved them a lot of grief they'd be suffering with right now had it not been implemented.

Yes in the short term but how does it play out in the long-run? There is something like 125 men per 100 women and reproduction rates < death rates.

It just seems like a pretty weird situation.
Getting ready to go for a hike. Was going to cheat and buy some mushrooms from the store to beer batter and fry tonight but they all looked like garbage (and white button/portobello/crimini don't fry all that well and are the same thing btw, you're literally getting upcharged because some are brown) so I'm going to hope I find some while I'm out.
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Do you actually think China will become so strong a world power that they'll be an existential threat? I thought you meant kill us economically or something.

Yeah I meant economically and was pretty much just joking, but I think their selective preference for aborting girls is something that is starting to fade as they modernize (it's more common in rural areas), and the higher mortality rate of adult males helps to narrow the gap.
That's only a testament to how backwards and degenerate a significant part of America is. I can't wait until China fucking kills us.

Catering to the interests of kids isn't backwards or degenerate. They still take science classes and science regents while in middle school, still have science and math fair, and still take math regents. Socially, however, you are giving them an outlet with arts and sports. Some of the best schools in Europe have this very same approach and the kids end up doing much better on standardized tests as oppose to making everything in school about curriculum.
business is a science hurr durr that's why you can get a bachelor and master of science in it

public funding should not be spent on special needs kids in art schools, at the very least put them in a trade school for fucks sake

liberal arts, ethnology, gender studies, and other shit degrees should be thrown out of every curriculum

They need to learn how to read and do basic math before putting them into trade school lol. I think on the high school level maybe but when they can't write, read and do math exactly what trade can they do? They all involve all of that. Also learning disability isn't the same as intellectual disability. Stuff like dyslexia is a LD. So the kids IQs can still be regular it's just that they need more help with reading
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Yeah but you apply mathematical formulas I'm sure, and do statistics?

I don't in my job personally but yes we learned how to calculate put call parity and the BSM equation for option pricing.

business is a science hurr durr that's why you can get a bachelor and master of science in it

You can also have it to where you can get a bachelor of arts or science in certain things. It doesn't automatically make anything a 'science'. Business concentrations are mutually exclusive from science fields, period.
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