The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well I'm not a pro china man but still there's this trend in western society that there's too many fuckable girls that think they matter. Recently my cousin talked to my grandfather and told him she doesn't want a baby until she's well off and shit like that and he laughed and looked in her eyes and said YOU DON'T DECIDE THAT and laughed some more at that poor girl. I like when old people laugh like that. All the life experience ferments in their minds for years and then they just have to laugh at young girls like that.

I'm on neither side btw. I still laugh at shit like that though.
your cousin has good sense, if only every female in the world thought like that instead popping out filthy spawn like a gumball machine of shit
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China's law takes away freedom, but it should be a rule people implement on themselves without the need for a rule. I cannot think of a good reason to have more than 2 kids, for yourself or for the world. Maaybe exceptional couples should have more than two to help spread their valuable genes, but the way it works right now is backwards.
I always assumed high level business was math and science based given there are classes like business calculus and business statistics, and computer science for business majors.
Those are probably more oriented to analytics jobs than upper level management, at least "business calculus" and computer science. Stats are obviously widely useful.
I always assumed high level business was math and science based given there are classes like business calculus and business statistics, and computer science for business majors.

Business calc was a joke. My professor told me I would've done well in the science based calculus class. Business stats was also a joke. Actuarial exams are no joke.
Catering to the interests of kids isn't backwards or degenerate. They still take science classes and science regents while in middle school, still have science and math fair, and still take math regents. Socially, however, you are giving them an outlet with arts and sports. Some of the best schools in Europe have this very same approach and the kids end up doing much better on standardized tests as oppose to making everything in school about curriculum.

Most human beings are inherently degenerate, so absolutely can catering to their interests be degenerate. Just as the Romans catered to the degeneracy of the masses with the gladiators, our government does today with sports. The overwhelming majority of children will never make a career in sports or arts, yet they waste time, vital years of learning, the ability to put off pleasure for work, and even their health in pursuit of it. They take the most basic of math and science classes, and many of them graduate illiterate and incapable of performing basic algebra. I'd like to see what statistics you're referring to regarding Europe, because I'm 99% sure that we place more emphasis on sports in our schools than the rest of the world.

EDIT: Also, the schools with the very best standardized scores are usually either Asian or Finnish, both of which place hardcore emphasis on STEM.
Most human beings are inherently degenerate, so absolutely can catering to their interests be degenerate. Just as the Romans catered to the degeneracy of the masses with the gladiators, our government does today with sports. The overwhelming majority of children will never make a career in sports or arts, yet they waste time, vital years of learning, the ability to put off pleasure for work, and even their health in pursuit of it. They take the most basic of math and science classes, and many of them graduate illiterate and incapable of performing basic algebra. I'd like to see what statistics you're referring to regarding Europe, because I'm 99% sure that we place more emphasis on sports in our schools than the rest of the world.

EDIT: Also, the schools with the very best standardized scores are usually either Asian or Finnish, both of which place hardcore emphasis on STEM.

I don't have time to go back and forth. Here's a video about Finnish schools. Their approach is way more lax than ours. Additionally, they spend way less time in school (here is what I was talking about with emphasis on social life) and are still able to get some of the best results in the entire world. Therefore, you are wrong about us placing more emphasis on social aspects than other countries. We actually do this way less just going by the amount of hours spent in school.

Edit: I also think it's interesting that Finnish schools also do co-teaching as well for kids with disabilities. Theoretically, it's s good idea but many co-teachers I worked with at my last job were often never prepared with a lesson. One co-teacher I just took over their entire class. That's also an issue. People just don't do their jobs right here(as parents and as educators).
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when you're such a piece of shit that you hurt your leg jogging
dont think I stretched enough
Always something. So frustrated right now

Do you mean pre or post run stretching? I'm a believer that the latter isn't especially useful and that the former, at best, also does little, but can often increase the risk of injury. I don't run much these days but I used to go a fair bit. Things improved lots when I stopped stretching beforehand. Now I just do what I do before deadlifts/squats which is bodyweight squats, cossack lunges and leg swings followed by warm up sets (in the case of running that'd be brisk walking for a a couple of minutes, old man jogging for a couple and then running).

Bout to download the latest Cradle of Filth.
Do you mean pre or post run stretching? I'm a believer that the latter isn't especially useful and that the former, at best, also does little, but can often increase the risk of injury. I don't run much these days but I used to go a fair bit. Things improved lots when I stopped stretching beforehand. Now I just do what I do before deadlifts/squats which is bodyweight squats, cossack lunges and leg swings followed by warm up sets (in the case of running that'd be brisk walking for a a couple of minutes, old man jogging for a couple and then running).

Stretching is one of those things that you benefit more from doing just to stay limber, rather than as a before/after thing. Personally I believe that if you warm up properly (like you mentioned), pre-workout stretching is unnecessary. Some really light stretching after a strenuous workout or long run might be good for relieving some impending muscle stiffness, but it is one of those things that you need to feel rather than just following black and white guidelines.
The greatest advice I ever got for staying reasonably 'fit' is changing your day to day motions. I.e., stretch out a leg and arch your back when you're opening the fridge. Skip sometimes. Contort yourself in weird ways when you're bending over to pick something up. Trapeze along parking blocks instead of walking on the concrete. Plus it's more fun.
Contort yourself in weird ways when you're bending over to pick something up.

This is really good advice on how to injure your back as even small things can put a lot of strain on your back muscles if you try to lift them while bent in a weird way. Don't do this unless you want to enjoy a good back injury, as this makes injury significantly more likely.