The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Lol. I'm not sure why but I picture @Phylactery to be super duper polite and nice and hard to believe throwing something at someone.

I am most of the time. I don't know why I did it, I still feel terrible about it. But yeah I was in school and this kid was super annoying.

that's nothing, i hated a work colleague so much i kinda ran over his dog once.

That's terrible! I'd rather you have ran him over. I hope the dog didn't die.
Almost moved in to my new place. Finally out of the parents house for good looks like. The only problem is my bed has yet to arrive. Amazon said it'd be here today so it better fucking be here today.
So it's my third day in Colorado and I decide to take a walk outside because the weather's nice. Not even 10 minutes out some guy in a pickup truck stops and starts yelling at me and I couldn't understand a single word he was saying because his accent was so thick. He was trying to ask me something but I had no idea what so I just told him I didn't understand and moved along. Literally my first time outside unaccompanied and this happens, I don't understand this country. I mean I know it's a car country but are you just not supposed to walk or something??

I'm siding with the pick-up truck maniac. You probably deserved it.
actually, to be completely accurate, replace 'kinda' with the word 'repeatedly', and 'dog' with 'son'.

So it's my third day in Colorado and I decide to take a walk outside because the weather's nice. Not even 10 minutes out some guy in a pickup truck stops and starts yelling at me and I couldn't understand a single word he was saying because his accent was so thick. He was trying to ask me something but I had no idea what so I just told him I didn't understand and moved along. Literally my first time outside unaccompanied and this happens, I don't understand this country. I mean I know it's a car country but are you just not supposed to walk or something??

Hey bub you know how to get back to the highway from here?

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

Unrelated but any of you fuckers know how to prepare bear meat? My cousin came carrying me a big trash bag full of it from a hunt yesterday and I have no fucking idea.
Anyone ever use the site Upwork for contract gig's? I haven't finished my profile yet but it seems pretty bomb from the posts I'm seeing. Basically it'll be like yo I need a spreadsheet made with 100 rows and 100 columns and pull the info from this database, I'll pay you $50. And other various tasks, some one time deals and some long term commitments, some good pay some shit pay. Plus the fun gambling aspect of bidding for the project against others.

I'm pretty pumped to get started tonight after class. I've been feeling antsy since I quit my night job but my dude wouldn't be happy if I went and got another one, so something to do from home legitimately is fucking perfect, plus it beefs up the resume pretty good.