The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm a GM guy down to the bone. But i love some of those old chargers, especially the 68' with that sexy ass rear end...


oh man, the speed of you editing is remarkable. This is definitely not the post i initially responded to. Should have quoted you in all your glorious douchery.

My original post was "no one cares how fast your car is" which I repeated later. I edited it because clearly one (and only one) person does care how fast your car is, and it's apparently an utmost test of manhood for you. A quite shallow one at that I will add.
Lollll, and he's counting! lmao. And you have the nerve to call others pathetic.


What's so "manly" about drag racing? Yeah it takes some guts, but you do know that chicks drag race too, right? And some of them are actually pretty good too. The way your brain works amazes me.
My boyfriend has raced at a dragstrip nearby and we go to a lot of car shows. Like, more car shows than concerts. But it's mainly aesthetics for me as well, sometimes even audible aesthetics, because bruh listen to a mustang boss sometime. I'm just a car guy's girlfriend who really enjoys a nice body with a bomb flake job and uterus-shaking revs.

And linear builds especially. I like cars boxy, low, and long. It's really upsetting that everything is so bubbly and smooth nowadays. I understand why, aerodynamics probably, but sharp edges just look so much better. And you can only get that in a classic.
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Also good to see you back TB, I missed seeing someone post who has emotions. Misguided though they may be. We're all dead inside here and you make the place feel alive.
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I am! I think you'd appreciate this Fury Road commentary I dug up from facebook.


Damn, that movie made me proud to be a child of the auto industry. Engines and grit, pure filthy rock n roll horsepower and fuel drenched fucking redemption racing the vicious rotation of hot gears and dusty wheels to the chrome studded tits of Valhalla.

Still feeling flushed."