The Ozzman
Melted by feels
What do you mean?
Are you making monthly payments? Did you put any money down on it to make your payments lower? Did you do a lump sum payment?
What do you mean?
... yea, back to jizz on your big fat tits.
you've got a shit sense of humor if that made you laugh
you've got a shit sense of humor if that made you laugh
you've got a shit sense of humor if that made you laugh
Ya know, I don't agree with you ever but I'm going to have to make an exception here.
I'm not an avid moth hobbyist, but I have an admirable taxidermy collection including a deaths head moth I purchased prepared. Beautiful specimen. Also a tobacco horn worm hawk moth I raised from a larvae. It was actually supposed to be food for my bearded dragon but I realized he was way too big when we got home so I kept him as a pet, he mothed, and enjoyed a pleasurable short life before joining the other moth on my shelf.