Trying to find new death industrial/power electronics. That doesn't suck.
Gameplay-wise, for sure.Pokémon is one of the few game franchises that I can honestly say gets better not worse.
I think you may have misread my post but thx anyway bb.
I found 3 bands yesterday (all on the same label, seems to have been started last year) that are pretty good. Restive Plaggona, From Magdalena to Leftina and Matriarchy Roots.
Gameplay-wise, for sure.
In regards to the pokemon themselves, they kinda got really fucking dumb after the second gen.
Yeah because Voltorb, Diglett, Magnemite, Exeggcute, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan (possibly the dumbest Pokémon ever created hur dur Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan hur dur) and Mr. Mime are great examples of creativity. This is a very played out view I notice people having, in the Pokémon fan circles.
I mean, fucking Hell they go around saying their own name. Any chance of a good measure of creativity is tainted by that mere fact. Also, it's for kids.
At least the hitmons are better than Sawk and Throh.
I'm pretty sure some people that started in gen one are just blinded by nostalgia for the most part.
The pokemon saying their own names originated in the anime didnt it? They've always made noises in the games.
You said, with death metal. This isn't even metal, let alone death metal.
You said, with death metal. This isn't even metal, let alone death metal.
The older Pokemon have at least a modicum of iconicity and distinctiveness, unlike, for example, the X/Y Pokemon that literally blur together for me. For every one 4th+ Gen Poke you show me to attempt to disprove this, I can show you three older ones that confirm it.You said, with death metal. This isn't even metal, let alone death metal.
Yeah because Voltorb, Diglett, Magnemite, Exeggcute, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan (possibly the dumbest Pokémon ever created hur dur Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan hur dur) and Mr. Mime are great examples of creativity. This is a very played out view I notice people having, in the Pokémon fan circles.
There was never a greatly creative period for Pokémon and I've already gone into some detail on this when @Carpe Mortem said a similar thing. The Pokémon that seem stupid to us, seem so because we don't get the cultural references that a lot of the more retarded looking Pokémon are based on.
I mean, fucking Hell they go around saying their own name. Any chance of a good measure of creativity is tainted by that mere fact. Also, it's for kids.