The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Non-terminal gut issues and head issues wreck us humans like nothing else. Damn biology. Why can't a stomach ache be as tolerable as an ingrown nail?

I have some sort of stomach problem. Three years ago, I woke up one morning with a terrible stomach ache. It felt like I had eaten soap or something of that nature in my sleep. It went on for a while, but got better as the day progressed. I felt slightly off all day, then, we went to dinner at a the Mexican place. I ate three enchiladas, and came home with a stomach ache and nausea. The pain went away, then I just had some malaise and worsening nausea. I went to sleep, and work up with a mixture of Fanta Orange and tres enchiladas erupting forcefully from my mouth. It tasted terrible, but at least I didn't wretch or anything, because I slept towards the build up phase. I puked my guts out in the toilet and then, I felt great and watched Metal Mania while trying to get back to sleep. The next morning, I was essentially fine.

Now, I get that same kind of stomach pain almost every day, fortunately, I haven't puked since. I think I have irritable bowel syndrome, or something else of that nature.
I have it myself. Here's how to control it:

Go to the yogurt section of your local grocery store. Find some yogurt that looks appealing to you. Turn it over and make sure it says something along the lines of "contains active cultures" This will be the final ingredient on the ingredient list.

Eat one of those a day.
Streaming It's Always Sunny, finally giving Pokemon Black some attention, and eating tubbed Italian pasta salad.

Not bad for something that was $10 for a gallon. It doesn't have that weird plasticy Italian dressing aftertaste a lot of pre-made peers do.
Streaming It's Always Sunny, finally giving Pokemon Black some attention, and eating tubbed Italian pasta salad.

Not bad for something that was $10 for a gallon. It doesn't have that weird plasticy Italian dressing aftertaste a lot of pre-made peers do.

have you heard the new Dopelord?

Also thumbs up to It's Always Sunny, and never played Black but Black 2 was excellent
I bought pokebank today and moved all my old pokemon of value to the current gen. (mostly with poketransporter from white)

Bummer from that experience: It took for fucking ever. My PALCITY Lucarios are apparently fake too.
Comedy from that experience: My shiny Mewtwo was okay'ed by the hack checker, but has 6 0 IVs.
Cool moment from that experience: My shiny Mew is real. One of the hardest shiny pokemon to obtain, it was only available in Emerald after an event item was passed out.

Did anyone ever do the Dream Radar game thing? I really want a Dream World Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus. Nature and shit doesnt matter, I can uhm... improve those, just need the Hidden Ability.
Did anyone ever do the Dream Radar game thing? I really want a Dream World Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus. Nature and shit doesnt matter, I can uhm... improve those, just need the Hidden Ability.

Is that the alternate reality thing for 3ds? I played some of it, fun at first, gets annoying. It was kind of a precursor to Pokemon Go I guess
Is that the alternate reality thing for 3ds? I played some of it, fun at first, gets annoying. It was kind of a precursor to Pokemon Go I guess

Yeah I think so. I'm thinking it was around Black 2/White 2 because I have no memory of messing with it and thats the only main series game I didnt fuck with.
have you heard the new Dopelord?

Also thumbs up to It's Always Sunny, and never played Black but Black 2 was excellent

I haven't but now that you've publicly shamed me into it I guess I better lol. It's been hard to listen to new stuff lately, I've fallen into the trap of comforting familiarity for background music. Even if I try to trick myself with shuffle.

RE: Pokemon, I've never made past the league's in anything past Emerald, fingers crossed this third time starting a new game on Black is the charm. Everything just got so cutesy and gay so I got sour on newer gens. Which is also gay, and childish, so here I am.
I just wish competitive Pokémon wasn't so lame.

i see doing the next tournament will be the way to get to Mawile and Beedrill's mega stones, which were previously unavailable this gen. It's doubles though and I haven't played a doubles battle seriously since using trick room in Pearl.

I may just go the Powersaves route.