The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

This untermensch at my school has intentionally clogged the toilet with huge amounts of toilet paper three times this year. It's flooding multiple bathrooms. I have an idea as to who's doing it and I might tell the principal.

Also, if someone had red cum, I'd hope they'd be sentient enough to freak out. The whole school would probably know.

Also, what kind of moron shits on the bathroom floor? Sure, GG Allin did stuff like that, and I find him very respectable, but only because he seemed above himself, very calm and collected, in control. It's a bit different when someone like GG does it, at least it's artful. It's not like some dumbass took a shit on the floor and lacked the courage to actually own up to it. If you are going to do something, it should at least be something you can take pride in.
I mean, there is nothing wrong with putting your hand down a toilet if you have to do it, so long as you keep your toilet bowl relatively clean and stuff.

Given the frequent flow of water over the porcelain, I doubt it's a very good place for bacteria to develop. There only place where bacteria might be is in the water, and that's only after someone has taken a shit.
GG allin was a fucking retard ... a legitimate one though.

He seemed to possess an insane level of intelligence and sapience. It's just that he was hard for people to relate to. People will often dismiss others off as "stupid" when they disagree with them, or if they find what they did inane. The latter applies more to GG, the former applies more to someone like Varg Vikernes, who is clearly very intelligent as well, but his opinions are deviant from the norm. Just because you disagree with someone does not make them stupid, I always hate when people use those kinds of arguments.
Listening to Horna and dreading tomorrow. I have to be within the vicinity of the same subhuman pieces of shit that intentionally clog toilets. Fuck. What good will happen tomorrow? I find school so repulsive that I am looking forward to the history test I have because it's a break from the fucking routine, and also, history is awesome. History and English are the only two classes I care about besides band.
Antifa recently shut down a Horna concert, apparently.

They do realize that fascism is only measurable within the libertarian/authoritarian dichotomy, with fascism being the epitome of the authoritarian end of the spectrum. Meaning that fascism can exist in both left and right wing systems. Therefore, since antifa is a leftist group insistent on preventing people from doing what they want to, they are borderline leftist fascists. Communism is another form of left wing fascism. And also, Hitler's Nazism is only borderline fascist. Furthermore, Horna, a band who simply mind their own business and create godly pieces of music are not fascist. I'm guessing that they are a Nationalistic band. I am a Nationalist, so I am fine with that, and by the way, black metal is heavily intertwined with Nationalism. I can't stand left wing black metallers. Nationalism has nothing to with fascism. Fascism is essentially borderline monarchy.

I'm in a bit of pain right now, I just tried to do curls with a 15 pound dumbbell on my newly uncasted arm, and it fucking pulled the tendon, and it hurt like shit. It's pretty stiff from being in that casted state, and judging by how painful breaking it was, I also suffered sprain. 15 pounds is only half of what I normally use. I'm going to be doing 5s tomorrow, hopefully back to 15 by next week, and up at 30 again by the end of the month, which seems reasonable. I didn't lose any mass, hopefully strength is the same situation.
The hypocrisy surrounding Antifa is fucking astounding.

I'm in a bit of pain right now, I just tried to do curls with a 15 pound dumbbell on my newly uncasted arm, and it fucking pulled the tendon, and it hurt like shit. It's pretty stiff from being in that casted state, and judging by how painful breaking it was, I also suffered sprain. 15 pounds is only half of what I normally use. I'm going to be doing 5s tomorrow, hopefully back to 15 by next week, and up at 30 again by the end of the month, which seems reasonable. I didn't lose any mass, hopefully strength is the same situation.

Chill out on the bodybuilding routine and do some light stretching instead. No need to rush right back into it presumably the day after you got your cast off. Which bone did you break?
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The hypocrisy surrounding Antifa is fucking astounding.

Chill out on the bodybuilding routine and do some light stretching instead. No need to rush right back into it presumably the day after you got your cast off. Which bone did you break?

I broke both my radius and ulna. Both were incomplete, so it was just a small break on each from the impact. My concern lies less with the bone than it does with the tendons. I hope they loosen up to normal levels of tension soon. I'm trying to do some movements with my hand to help the process along. Hopefully, I'll be lifting again next week. The doctor said that the bones were completely stable, lifting is safe, just painful.
100% fucking incorrect.

Nationalism is a key component of fascism.

Fascism is extreme authoritarianism. It has nothing to do with the left right spectrum. The correlation is mainly associative; most people tend to associate it with National Socialism, even though the philosophy borders on fascism. Let's just say that a decent amount of power in intelligent, moral hands is a very good thing, and power in the wrong hands is a nightmare. As is anarchy.
Fascism is extreme authoritarianism. It has nothing to do with the left right spectrum. The correlation is mainly associative; most people tend to associate it with National Socialism, even though the philosophy borders on fascism. Let's just say that a decent amount of power in intelligent, moral hands is a very good thing, and power in the wrong hands is a nightmare. As is anarchy.

You are 100% wrong, but okay.

Where is anarchy coming into this equation anyways?

Revolutionary Catalonia is a greater example of freedom than any "nationalist" state ever could be.