The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You didn't vote at all, did you?

Have you seen pictures of him? He lives in his parents' basement and works at the dollar store ffs. His whole premise of existence is drinking himself into a stupor and listening to 4th tier doom metal.

I bet he's not even registered to vote.

See this:

I bet he voted Hillary.

I predict he will make fun of my weight in a subsequent post or Buttmad will come in and do it for him.
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Have you seen pictures of him? He lives in his parents' basement and works at the dollar store ffs. His whole premise of existence is drinking himself into a stupor and listening to 4th tier doom metal.

Women fuck him for lines, he lives the dream, don't be hatin.
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I love stupid quizzes.


The only strong opinions I have aren't relevant enough to be on this stupid quiz apparently. Yeah, because my hypothetical kid's school is more important than trimming the weak and advancing the race.
*shrug* it was the lesser of the evils by far.

Hmm, I think you confused what I said, I was ripping on Gary. I agree that Jill was better than the rest, though I was also somewhat partial to some Cruz.

I did vote and I voted for the right candidate.

Right. So you voted for Vermin Supreme?