The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't think it's fair to make that kind of comparison anyways really since Catalonia existed during wartime only, but I do imagine what it would have been like given a peacetime existence.
Catalonia was a clusterfuck of degradation, torture and murder of political opponents. Hell, the communist papers there created a propaganda campaign against the anarchists and POUM, calling them fascists etc. Not really sure where you come down on this, since you call yourself a communist, but the communists actively tried to ruin the POUM and the anarchists' attempt to take Catalonia for the people.
I always thought that fascism was a form of violent authoritarian nationalism, which is pretty damn right-wing if you ask me. Nowadays it is just another buzzword like racism and xenophobe thrown around by the left whenever the right wants to take a stance.

I broke both my radius and ulna. Both were incomplete, so it was just a small break on each from the impact. My concern lies less with the bone than it does with the tendons. I hope they loosen up to normal levels of tension soon. I'm trying to do some movements with my hand to help the process along. Hopefully, I'll be lifting again next week. The doctor said that the bones were completely stable, lifting is safe, just painful.

The tendons and ligaments have been immobile since the cast was put on, so they are bound to be tight and stiff. The muscles surrounding them are also weakened, which is why you are more prone to either tendon or ligament damage if you force yourself to use them too much. You seem to be doing the right thing, google forearm rehabbing exercises/stretches and do that a few times a day until your arm starts feeling normal again. Get some rehab bands and do some range of motion rehab if you cant bend your wrist as much as your other arm, but this should only be an issue if you were in the cast for a month or more. How long were you casted?
I'm skeptical of claims that fascism is unarguably right-wing, I think there could be a case to argue that it's some of both sides. It can't be a coincidence that quite literally every fascist dictator either created their country's socialist workers groups or started off as members of one.

Also it should be pointed out that every single socialist or communist dictator acts identical to right-wing dictators who are called fascist. They all jail or kill their political opponents, they all claim to be doing what they do for the people. They're all obsessed with replacing free market capitalism.

And as a point of pure irony, most communists I know personally denounce the USSR, North Korea etc as fascists who left communism behind at some point, in order to rebut them as examples of why communism is pure shit.
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I always thought that fascism was a form of violent authoritarian nationalism, which is pretty damn right-wing if you ask me. Nowadays it is just another buzzword like racism and xenophobe thrown around by the left whenever the right wants to take a stance.

The tendons and ligaments have been immobile since the cast was put on, so they are bound to be tight and stiff. The muscles surrounding them are also weakened, which is why you are more prone to either tendon or ligament damage if you force yourself to use them too much. You seem to be doing the right thing, google forearm rehabbing exercises/stretches and do that a few times a day until your arm starts feeling normal again. Get some rehab bands and do some range of motion rehab if you cant bend your wrist as much as your other arm, but this should only be an issue if you were in the cast for a month or more. How long were you casted?

Nationalism is just a stance regarding national relations, just like globalism. Both can coincide with fascism, which is the polar opposite of anarchy.

I was in the cast for a month, somewhere in between four and five weeks.

Right now, I'm listening to Burzum. I'm extremely thirsty, but there's nothing to drink, and are water is bad.
At some point I need to fully explain my political position here, since it is a different one from most. I'll at least try to summarize here.

I'm anti-authoritarian in most every circumstance, in that I don't think the government should take away any freedoms from the common man. The government should only be involved with individuals when one man takes away another man's freedoms, property, or bodily injures them. I do however think the government should regulate businesses to protect consumers and employees, but only to that extent. They should ensure through regulation that workers are treated fairly, receive fair pay, are only required to work a fair amount of hours, and that businesses maintain their workers' freedoms. I'm left-wing in that aspect that I believe the individual should have more freedom than a business. I also think the freedoms of the individual include gay marriage, abortion, and so on. These should not be taken away by the government. The government should not regulate marijuana, there should be no need to reregister your vehicle every year, there should be no property tax, no mandated health insurance, etc etc.

I also believe there should be far more democracy, we should be the ones voting on most decisions that are decided by our representatives. Again power to the people not the government, not the businesses. The government's role should be to ensure its people maintain their freedoms, organize the military (only to be used when voted on), create ballots, make sure businesses give the same freedoms to employees, and police the people only when necessary, and protect natural resources from the tragedy of the commons.

If you look at the political compass I'm like far south, only slightly west since I share some ideas with Libertarians, but I certainly don't identify as one wholeheartedly.
On Jill Stein, she was obvs somewhat crazy and had no chance of winning, but again if you look at the political compass (it's not everything but still..) she's the only one even in the same quadrant as me. yeah i voted for her. She believed in personal freedoms. The other candidates were too far off from from me on several opinions.


Sanders is more of an authoritarian left which I didn't agree with.

The problem with the extreme libertarian right is they believe in no regulations on businesses, which means consumers and employees can get screwed over easily. Gary Johnson also had no idea what he was talking about half the time.
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Been working on art for a Magic: The Gathering set me and a bud are designing. In the middle of painting a red burn spell in which the foreground subject is being incinerated to the bone, while a cloaked figure looks from afar.

It's not meant to be overly photorealistic, I'm just going for a cheesy fantasy vibe.

Jill Stein was the only sensible choice of those options. Authoritarian A, Authoritarian B, incompetent extreme right wackjob, or Moderate libertarian environmentalist.