The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

how do you cope with your heart disease

I was born with cardiomyopathy, I've had heart failure twice, I don't know how to cope or deal with the ailment to be honest, I have see doctors in a few weeks. I don't normally talk about it, its horrible as fuck.
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completely abstaining from alcohol is not that cut and dry. I'm assuming there are younger women and guys with the same condition, they might drink sometimes too, who knows, idk.
I was born with cardiomyopathy, I've had heart failure twice, I don't know how to cope or deal with the ailment to be honest, I have see doctors in a few weeks. I don't normally talk about it, its horrible as fuck.

How old r u?

I'm back home, finally. It feels good to get home after long journey. Haven't been on a journey for a long time tbh.
Feeling like asshole tonight. Ate some NY style pizza around 4 hours ago and its not sitting well. Woke up about an hour ago sweating hard. threw it up. Violently heaved for 45 minutes or so. Havent even been drinking tonight. Sitting here eating a piece of honeydew melon hoping it helps my stomach and trying to remove the taste of vomit from my mouth.
I was going to have to go to two wakes but they are at around the same time and one is so deep in Brooklyn no train goes there. So, I actually had to choose which one to go to and I had to pick my best friend's grandmother since I grew up with her. The other one is for a former coworker. Ironically I worked with him at a salad restaurant and then he worked for the community based organization that did after school programs for my old school I taught in. Suicide. Younger than me, too. Reading his best friend's posts on Facebook brings legit tears to my eyes. I'm gonna hug my best friend when I see her today.
I was going to have to go to two wakes but they are at around the same time and one is so deep in Brooklyn no train goes there. So, I actually had to choose which one to go to and I had to pick my best friend's grandmother since I grew up with her. The other one is for a former coworker. Ironically I worked with him at a salad restaurant and then he worked for the community based organization that did after school programs for my old school I taught in. Suicide. Younger than me, too. Reading his best friend's posts on Facebook brings legit tears to my eyes. I'm gonna hug my best friend when I see her today.

Sorry to hear of your losses. Since we are speaking of loss, my mom passed away 3 days ago (long battle with cancer), it's been rough.