Me in Malmö
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Dude fuck off, I just got home and wanted to get a beer on my way home but the store was closed. I took it like a man and am drinking water.
Cute ankles. Allahu Akbar.
Made myself a proper absinthe.
Bought a bottle Friday out of curiosity. It's what I wish Jagermeister was. Gotta be timid of that shit though. Fucking high as fuck abv.
Absinthe doesn't make you high though...
Me fuck off, you telling me to fuck myself, fuck you to me, fuck my mother ?. Is that were you're sayin'. I'm an asshole, you think your tough, are you sure ?. I stepped in dogshit earlier and if I do not have dogs there should not be dogshit infront of my place, if the dog owner was not a chick i'd take one of your shitty beers and crack it over the dudes fuckin head, fuck the store.
ABV stands for alcohol by volume you poseur slime.
I could have sworn he said "high as fuck obv"
Put the cheese down and concentrate, you boob.