The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well this weekend has been underwhelming so far. Was supposed to be a 5 day mini vacation heading into our marriage anniversary... instead Tuesday I had to leave work early to take my wife to a quick care place and it turns out she has pneumonia. Instead of sticking our toes in the sand and hiking in mountains, it's been pretty well damage control.

That sucks. Pneumonia resolves quickly luckily. I had it once. I was being stupid and huffing Axe bodyspray when suddenly I felt malaise and the kind of aches associated with the flu. The flu itself resolved but it left within its wake a terrible cough. I felt fine, but I couldn't stop coughing, to the extent that I could barely eat. The next day, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I took the antibiotics and I felt a rush and was fine. What a wonderful memory. I hope your wife gets better.

I just found out yesterday that a bodybuilder I admire died. He overdosed on what I believe to be insulin like growth hormone, which resulted in him passing out and hitting his head. He was put in a medically induced coma, and a few days subsequent, he passed away. It's sad to me, I used to watch his videos, and now he's gone.

R.I.P Rich Piana
Made myself an absinthe and red bull. Kinda weird together.... and I'm probably breaking some kind of gentlemanly law.

Getting ready to watch the finale of GoT with the wife. Weekend has been a bust... but at least I dont have to go back to work until Tuesday.
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GOT season finale ruled. I just want to be done watching it. Waiting for another episode is so annoying!

I bought a few things for my classroom. Tomorrow I'm going to go to my school and fix up my room. It's going to be aggravating because my room changed so ill have to haul my class set books, cabinets, special desks and stuff to the second floor. The janitors help but they'll also be helping like 80 other teachers too. Dragging the boyfriend to work tomorrow to get it done quicker
Not much. waiting to die so that ancient aliens can take my soul, they created humanity, built pyramids,condo's, all kinds of shit, directly from the skies in space, the ruler of all, the alien lords.
My old laptop isn't booting tonight. I just bought a new one this month, and started using it this past weekend. Hella lucky timing...
I woke up at 3:00 and realized I forgot to do something important at work so I stared at the ceiling for 2 hours untill falling asleep again. On my way to work I bought coffee and then some dirty guy was walking towards me and said "hey man do you need that coffee?" and I immediately responded YES, YES, even though that question was pretty fucking unexpected. Maybe if I was holding a phone in my hand he would ask meif I needed that and it would take me longer to respond. Maybe I would just give him my phone.
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Should be studying a bit but instead went for a run, then went to the gym and then wrote/recorded a rough track to start of some Cultes des Ghoules/Grave Miasma/Possession sorta black/death band.

Now I guess I'll tidy, even though there's no need to.
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