The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not much, people won't even give Joel Osteen 5 minutes to figure out how to help local people in the Texas area, god's plan is for hurricane Harvey to come around so that people will learn from their mistakes, grow, and become stronger individuals, what's up with people, they don't care about or appreciate anything.
Just got home from work. At a stoplight the guy sitting next to me was playing Malmsteen's Crystal Ball, although I didn't recognize it until I Googled the lyrics. Pasty guy with glasses and ponytail, reminded me of Dodens a bit.
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Not much, dropped out of school when 16 and took my ged when 17 and passed everything besides math, i have a learning disability in math and can't get my ged and have had all kinds up fucked up jobs, but recently got moved into this town/city and they have dss which knew nothing about, and they pay my rent, but I wanted to get my ged years ago for various reasons and this place could just stop paying my rent and what not, but I can't pass the math.
Not much, dropped out of school when 16 and took my ged when 17 and passed everything besides math, i have a learning disability in math and can't get my ged and have had all kinds up fucked up jobs, but recently got moved into this town/city and they have dss which knew nothing about, and they pay my rent, but I wanted to get my ged years ago for various reasons and this place could just stop paying my rent and what not, but I can't pass the math.

what do you do in life man?
I feel it's really weird when everyone is getting older around you, except you. I mean I am getting older too.

it's fucking great. getting older is clearly the worst thing that can possibly happen to a person. every time someone whines to me about their Adult Problems i'm like hey it's really awesome that i think and care less about this kinda shit than i do about which is the sixth best metal album of 1988.
Getting older is definitely the worst. I'm 30 in a few months, and I can feel a full blown existential crisis coming along! I keep thinking about it. I've built this day up for years and concluded it's pretty much going to be the end of my life as I know it. 30 is old as fuck and those people that say 40 is the best time of their life can fuck right off. Nothing good comes with age. You get terrible hangovers, you can't play sports the same as you used to, and you generally become a pretty boring person. 30 is the time you begin longing for the cold grip of death to the end your miserable, pointless existence.

I'd give anything to be 16 again and starting my A Levels at college again.
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the trick is to make your life stagnate as much as possible so there's no difference between being 16 and 30. my life isn't exactly super different and i've always had terrible hangovers, i'm as fit as i ever was and i'm a lot more chilled out and free of anxiety/insecurity so i can't say i'd rather be 16 again. i would definitely rather be 8 or 10 again though, childhood is peak existence unless you're one of the unlucky ones that gets abused or something.
Shut the fuck up
You're probably over 30 and lamenting the death of your previous self.

I'm well aware this is all ridiculous btw, and that I probably won't feel any different until post 40 really. But as I said, I've built this day up for so long in my head, since at least my early teens that as it draws nearer it's beginning to consume me.

i would definitely rather be 8 or 10 again though, childhood is peak existence unless you're one of the unlucky ones that gets abused or something.

I don't know about that. I mean it was all care free, and you had more legitimate experiences of wonder, but at that age you're usually pretty selfish and ignorant and don't really know anything about anything. I don't think I'd want to be like that again.
I can't wait for 30 tbh

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30s are the best years of life imo. You're a young adult but you're no longer fucking stupid (hopefully). You have an income and you're still healthy, you can do what you want.

That's what I'm hoping for. I don't have any great material or social ambitions, all I really want out of life right now is to be done with school, have a moderate source of income, and my own house, so that I can do pretty much whatever I want beyond the judgment of normies within it. I've wanted to become a hermit since approximately the age of 10 and it's taking for fucking ever to reach that stage. Hoping my libido eventually withers away as well.