The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

See, mine are different. I don't get dizzy or anything like that. It's like my drive to eat is just gone. I don't even think about it for those couple of days. I might force down some toast just because I know I need to eat something, but generally I'm just not even thinking about eating.
I practically never have drive to eat. Why do you think I'm a twig all the time lmao.
Third day of no alcohol here. Not sure if I'm having withdrawals or I just fucking hate my life when I'm sober.

I stopped drinking after a week long bender about a month ago. I woke up at my bud's place in the middle of the night to what I thought was an earthquake but it was just me violently shaking. I was also sweating profusely even though it was relatively cool inside. Shit was a bit shocking.
Reading Construction Contracts: Law and Management

By which I mean trying to decide which gym to join and sipping the not so greatest whisky until my mate/penis fondler finishes work.

And DJing for the neighbours. I could be out abducting impressionable freshers but no. I truly am a good person.
You'll hate the first few weeks. It gets way easier after that.

fwiw, I dont think I'm trying to quit permanently. Just trying to check myself a little bit.

I bought a liter of Finlandia and drank it by myself in three days last week. No mixed drinks, no one to take shots with, just straight from the bottle hammering it. My wife confronted me about it.... and tbh she can fuck off because she has a medicine cabinet full of shit she takes every night from the doctor and dealing with her bullshit daily is a healthy amount of my problem. But I was thinking I'm probably hurting myself at this point and really need to back off until I can have a couple beers or a couple shots and be good for the evening.

I've been sweating really bad at night and I kind of feel like a turtle or something, dont want to come into contact with anyone, much less hear them speak. Feel like if I could tuck my fucking head into a shell I'd be good to go.
My wife confronted me about it.... and tbh she can fuck off because she has a medicine cabinet full of shit she takes every night from the doctor and dealing with her bullshit daily is a healthy amount of my problem.

Is she taking them recreationally or does she still need them? That's far worse than downing bottles man. Flush that shit down he toilet before it gets worse, which it will.
Cleaning the apartment and packing to get ready for my first visit home since I moved out here. Excited for it, but not looking forward to the 20~ hours on a train there and then back.
Fucking hell.

Yeah, and we aren't going to be in the sleeper car either. Either way, got my 3DS, Vita, and Kindle so I'll have plenty of entertainment options available...or if all else fails some old fashioned conversation with my partner. There is also going to be "panoramic windows on the upper level of the Lounge afford an expansive view of the passing scenery" apparently, which seems cool.

Though I'm not sure there is much in the way of scenery from here to Chicago (where our transfer is at.)