The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Two shows in a row, then band practice/drinks with the new band, and then I was gifted a free ticket to Riot Fest on Sunday so I hit that up for a little bit, just to check it out. I've been sick all Monday. I think I've shit out more water than I've put inside my body all weekend.
very rarely do i get drunk off beer(which is one of the worst things you can do), but i had a good 11-12 pints this saturday. And for some reason it resulted in me having the worst hangover of my life. Never have a yakked so much after completely yakking everything out. Never have i had a headache on that level before from drinking. I think my body is telling me that i need to give all this shit a break.

And i've had this weird as fucking upper back pain that came out of the blue about 2 weeks ago. fuck. me.
I always need at least one drink after work. Or some weed. I'm a frickin deviant. I love food but sometimes I don't think I like it enough for it to be a stress reliever. Like if giving the option I'd choose feeling a little out of myself than feeding myself just to relieve stress. I guess talking helps too. N music. Tons and tons of music.

My boyfriend is watching a d&d podcast n idk why this story is hard to follow, but it is. It's a good thing we can go our separate ways sometimes with interests because holy shit this is too nerdy for me
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I plan on going at least until next year without a drop of alcohol. Haven't smoked weed in a few weeks either. I think im going straight edge, lol.
I've smoked pot once in the past two weeks. Decided I'm gonna try to quit. It's been affecting my mental clarity in a bad way lately (normally it didn't) and with me starting a second job today, clarity is something I need.
The only liquor I drink regularly is vodka via bloody Mary's. Hardly ever smoke pot anymore. Smoke cigarettes like a fiend though and definitely get more caffeine than I need. You know, all the really terrible for you acceptable habits that don't even give you a buzz or anything, just pure addiction.