The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


you owe me a quarter.

edit: add vegard to the list of tainted regulars who are celebrating the demise of our beloved controversial thread
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Just did my last job for the year. Customers were morbidly obese whiny joyless cunts and their house reeked of putrefaction and cat piss. I hope their internet stops working again in a few hours time when I’m a few beers deep.
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@TechnicalBarbarity did you create that gif? :eek:
nah i'm just fuckin' with you. Woos cocksucka gifs are a longtime staple of mine though ... so find your own shtick, pal

Let's do it via a public user poll where only regulars are eligible to vote. Majority opinion rules.
yeah but you have elevated a few of your alts to regular status so that wouldn't be fair. But you guys would still lose anyway, so fuck it let's do it.
Fucking around drunk @ 4 AM. Was reading online that if you stare into a mirror in a dimly lit room you'll hallucinate in different ways almost instantly.
It definitely fucking works.

My eye drifting into my nose.
My mouth disappearing
My entire fucking face disappearing into a blob of static
annnnd my personal favorite... my face became a giant mass of hair with only my eyes showing like an old school hollywood werewolf.
Want to try it sober and see if there's any difference. I didnt see anything that wasnt "me" like some other people reported.
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Fucking around drunk @ 4 AM. Was reading online that if you stare into a mirror in a dimly lit room you'll hallucinate in different ways almost instantly.
It definitely fucking works.

My eye drifting into my nose.
My mouth disappearing
My entire fucking face disappearing into a blob of static
annnnd my personal favorite... my face became a giant mass of hair with only my eyes showing like an old school hollywood werewolf.
Want to try it sober and see if there's any difference. I didnt see anything that wasnt "me" like some other people reported.

Sounds like you barely escaped.
I had my first bowel movement in 3 days today. That was weird considering I shit daily if not multiple times a day, but I guess I haven't really had much to each except bread, honey, and soup.
Oh, I know that feeling. I got the flu pretty bad last year around this time that resulted in me sitting on the toilet shitting my brains out while puking for a good 10 hours. But the good thing with that was that once that passed, I felt better the next day. This strep throat shit doesn't go away so fast and really fucking sucks.
Still super fucking sick, but I think it's getting easier for me to swallow. Hopefully after today the antibiotics will finally kick in.
on the plus side my cold's getting better, on the minus side my new year was ushered in by explosive diarrhoea.
I had my first bowel movement in 3 days today. That was weird considering I shit daily if not multiple times a day, but I guess I haven't really had much to each except bread, honey, and soup.
this genuinely felt like i was pissing out of my ass. wasn't painful or anything, just weird

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You guys should lick ass to develop strong antibodies in the throat and stomach like me, mine are in perfect health
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