The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

They have some cool songs but I don't think I'll ever really get into the Greek BM sound. Well, asides Macabre Omen.
Started lifting and put on Gods of War - At War (the copy on my phone is quiet as fuck). Didn't realise I had shuffle on so after the first song finished this came blasting out



Well, I actually thought that they had done it. I've to admit I was wrong.

Official statement:

All charges against Decapitated have formally been dropped. Arrested September 8 in Santa Ana whilst on tour, the members of the band were jailed until December where they were released on their own recognizance.

New evidence arose that helped show that the band was innocent. While a trial would have given the band the opportunity to have all this evidence heard, the band welcome the decision and are excited to return back to their homes in Poland.

The members of Decapitated – Wacław, Rafal, Michał and Hubert - send a sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who supported them during this difficult time, including fans, friends, and family.
Story seemed pretty unlikely from the start. Gang rapes are very rare in modern/Western countries, let alone a musical band that just so happens to be made up of a bunch of rapists getting together. Then there was all the weird shit in accusers' stories. Sucks that they had to deal with that for a few months, but frequently people accused have it worse.
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Poland is one of our best allies. You should get your leaders to encourage Trump to personally condemn the accusation.
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Our leading party has just made the court subject to them. They release most of the judges and hire others by their own jurisdiction. They want everyone to be catholicists and are about to worsen our relationships with European Union. They fucking worship the plane disaster from 2010 where the then president perished, and conduct memorials every fucking month to commemorate the occurrence. Dont think we're the best allies for you right now. :tickled:
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Those bitches should be lucky they were not decapitated and fucked up by their own tampons, the problem with that shit is regardless there's stigma, what is some band that has been touring going to do sit around and eat pizza, not that I care, but that whole shit is a bunch of crap
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It's because he's Aussie amirite? ;)

Probably. Australians, especially over in the eastern states, are a bunch of corporatist-progressive virtue-signalers.

W.A. is like the redneck/white trash state of Australia, over here we're more backwards and politically incorrect, less annoying than Queensland though. :D
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