The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

omni's been saying for a while that cig's inconsistent/fake with his opinions. i linked her an example that seemed to confirm this (cig posted that manhunter was the best lector movie, then posted a few weeks later saying he hadn't seen manhunter). omni decided to confront him over it (like she did about his post about seance not long ago) and also told him the reason she keeps confronting him is people are privately asking her to (which wasn't true in our case although admittedly i didn't try to talk her out of it either lol, idk about the seance case). cig threw a TB-style fit over cowards conspiring against him and quit the board, blocked people on fb and even deleted his RYM account for some reason.
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I'm lost at the fact that you guys even noticed inconsistencies in his posts, especially in a post as nondescript as it was. I can see how that fed into the general paranoia CiG had about off-board whispering, but it was out of character for him to just jump ship like that. Regardless, I can't say the trolling justified the end though. Inconsistencies aside, CiG was an enthusiastic and passionate poster with a good nature overall which can't be said for a bulk of posters on here.
Hmm. I don't understand why he got so bent out of shape about it.

I mean most of the guys who Ive seen leave this forum ultimate apathy, prophetofhatred didnt make too much of a big deal about it.

I think he might come back.
I'm lost at the fact that you guys even noticed inconsistencies in his posts, especially in a post as nondescript as it was. I can see how that fed into the general paranoia CiG had about off-board whispering, but it was out of character for him to just jump ship like that. Regardless, I can't say the trolling justified the end though. Inconsistencies aside, CiG was an enthusiastic and passionate poster with a good nature overall which can't be said for a bulk of posters on here.

i only noticed that instance 'cause there was so little time between them and the first of the two was a post aimed directly at me iirc. omni probably has a dossier on him though, she can't help it, it's her rampant autism.

CiG stated a few times he was already on the verge of leaving because he felt the forum was going downhill and was upset about deron censoring 'faggot', so this latest thing wasn't the sole cause and he might've ended up leaving anyway.

i didn't want him to leave either, but GMD is bigger than one man, it has survived many such dramas, we must look toward this new era with hope, not fear. more seriously, if you want a positive spin on this, new users might be more likely to stick around without the arguing/posturing etc of TB and CiG putting them off.
i didn't want him to leave either, but GMD is bigger than one man, it has survived many such dramas, we must look toward this new era with hope, not fear. more seriously, if you want a positive spin on this, new users might be more likely to stick around without the arguing/posturing etc of TB and CiG putting them off.

Yea, but boards are a dying platform in general and having a mass exodus could be a fatal blow if this place starts looking like a ghost town to the passerby. This place has needed to get back the muzak for a long time. TB/CiG would sometimes shit up threads, but a the end of the day they were music first.

I'm speaking generally btw. I'm not trying to single any one person out, but there just seemed to be some validity to their "waring tribe" theories.
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that's fair, but the only thing you or anyone else can do about that now is to post more ;)

CiG was generally in the same 'tribe' as omni before recent weeks in fairness. they were both in the briefly active tongue-in-cheek in-crowd group on facebook, chatted plenty outside of the site and agreed on music more often than not etc. i don't really see the tribalism stuff beyond the notorious in-crowd out-crowd divide (which is more HBB's theory than anybody else's). TB's big conspiracy theory was more about people having alts (you are my alt btw) and reporting posts, and tbf i think the board was near unanimous in thinking he probably deserved some of his bans regardless of who actually reported him. if people were ganging up on him he kinda brought it on himself.
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*ding ding ding*

GoD wins!

Remember that CIG was a confessed fan of Pizzagate and other stupid conspiracy shit. It was really easy to troll him and make him freak out because he is a dishonest, paranoid weirdo. Why would TB and I be compatriots in a conspiracy to target CIG? Anyone who believes that is even possible is an idiot.

With GoD's permission, I'll gladly post the extremely non-conspiratorial message exchange that inspired me to troll CIG for obviously lying about something trivial just to seem knowledgeable. For a guy who was a proponent of realness, he did this shit all the time.

I also have Facebook messages from CIG himself where he kisses my ass consistently for the last year and talks about how smart I am and how he wants to know me better and how my writing is awesome before he melts down and tries to say none of my friends like me and that I'm the fakest person ever because I posted about him lying about a movie.

This all makes you sound like a really manipulative piece of shit.
So your only proof that CIG fucked up was one lie about a movie? Are there any other examples?

Also why does that even matter in the first place? What actual impact is that having on the forum other than your reaction to it?
CIG fucked up by thinking he had a real friendship with a rando on the internet, let alone with a serial liar and HR manager like Omni. It's not about CIG being wrong for posting X, Y, or Z, it's about him acting like there's some massive forum-wide conspiracy when it's really just the same few "old guard" gossiping like they always do, and being offended over some meaningless gossip. I'm pretty sure this kind of stuff was just as common if not more so when there was a regular chatroom; for years Mort Divine had Dodens' "Boston Market" quip about me, posted somewhere other than this forum, but not only did I not give a shit, it made me laugh knowing that ponytailed Omni-cucked pussy was avoiding the forums because of me and probably whined about me behind my back all the time. I don't know why CIG can't do the same. I think the forum will suffer from his loss, at least in terms of activity and actual music discussion, but he's still a bitch for crying about it instead of just leaving quietly, or just ignoring it and carrying on. I'll never understand what compels some men on internet forums to gain attachments to anonymous women on internet forums.
I am so incredibly thankful for the drama. Some of us are boring domestics, god bless these martyrs, every one. Great lunch break reads. I don't get enough time with my girlfriend's these days, solid substitute.
I think you've hit upon something important here: martyrdom.

It's quite possible that the survival of GMD depends upon the suffering of insecure weirdos who come here to be the center of attention, to dominate as many threads as they can, to invite drama and inevitably become victim to it.

Lao Tzu once said, "The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long." It is precisely these brightly burning flames which are the lifeblood of this place - the lambs upon our sacrificial altar.

Those who blame trolls like Omni for driving them out are missing the bigger picture. It is likely the demise of our beloved martyrs is inevitable, and simply a matter of time. If Omni is to blame for anything, perhaps it is for being too blunt an instrument in this grand scheme.

I'm willing to forgive her that. Let her refine her skills here over time, and learn to draw the blood more gradually. Let the victim have respite from the feeding now and then, to regain their strength, before the fangs once again break the skin of their neck. This is the path to our salvation.

Hail Satan.
I think you've hit upon something important here: martyrdom.

It's quite possible that the survival of GMD depends upon the suffering of insecure weirdos who come here to be the center of attention, to dominate as many threads as they can, to invite drama and inevitably become victim to it.

Lao Tzu once said, "The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long." It is precisely these brightly burning flames which are the lifeblood of this place - the lambs upon our sacrificial altar.

Those who blame trolls like Omni for driving them out are missing the bigger picture. It is likely the demise of our beloved martyrs is inevitable, and simply a matter of time. If Omni is to blame for anything, perhaps it is for being too blunt an instrument in this grand scheme.

I'm willing to forgive her that. Let her refine her skills here over time, and learn to draw the blood more gradually. Let the victim have respite from the feeding now and then, to regain their strength, before the fangs once again break the skin of their neck. This is the path to our salvation.

Hail Satan.

I remember times when women signed up to the forum, posted their picture in their tenth post, were called attention whores and left crying.

However, Satan the lord of hell wasn't pleased with such banal offerings, and also the gender equality wasn't strong with this one, so he sent his faithful disciple to the board, the online-succubus Omni, the creature that slowly sucks out the will to post from egoistic men.

And she has a file on YOU too, whoever's reading this.

CIG just needs some lovin irl.

Sitting in Düsseldorf airport rehearsing some tourist Serbian while waiting for my flight to Belgrade to board. I've yet to have a flight in Germany take-off on time, so I'm hoping to get lucky this time.