The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I remember asking before if people here really went and talked about others on other sites because it sounds so fucking stupid. Mr Night’s Bane was right all along.

Yeah, you'd totally never post on one forum about what people are doing on another forum. Wait... :wave:

That wasn't as interesting as when you tried to argue with me about bootlegs and IXTAB said you were dumb though.
Hm it's unusually calm here without TB and CIG. We drove away all the extroverts and now we'll reside here in silence happily. I mean, we still talk on messenger so why not have a little quiet time here, amirite.
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You called out a label that I like for selling bootlegs (And tbh shares warehouse/stock with HHR and probably wasn’t even the one who bought them) on a website of a label selling the bootleg on both formats. Even had it featured on the front page of NWN for a while. That’s what’s stupid about all of that. It doesn’t matter that it was YOU specifically being a cunt. You drag your poison everywhere you go apparently though.

This whole internet metal forum mean girls thing you think you’re doing is bitch shit. I wish you’d go back to pretending you were a guy (or were you pretending?) under a new user name like when you originally came back.
Your point being? The NWN admin took my side and called you an idiot on the topic because he agreed with me that selling bootlegs and not listing them as such is uncool.

Tim from SKR has a long history of publicly disavowing bootlegs, so he should manage his inventory better if he wants to get on a soapbox about other people doing it. I wouldn't expect you to have any idea of this, but he's also sold a lot of bootleg shirts on his website and been involved in disputes with bands that are still active and release their own merchandise.

I also wouldn't expect you to be able to identify a ribbing between people who know each other or you'd know that Tim and I have been acquaintances for years and that he sends me promo material from his label regularly. Basically, you should probably not jump into discussions that you know nothing about between people who know each other.
Just read the fracas in the movie thread from the other day. The in-crowd appears to have imploded.
Lol just checked this out, this was kind of weird (in a bad way for the people involved not being CIG). In a way I guess he had it coming being as candid as he is but I understand his reaction. FWIW it makes me think less of several people on here. :)

Way to go to drive one of the better and most contributing posters on here away.
love how people are saying 'TB WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG' when a) he was the one obsessed with CiG being a poseur and b) i recall omni mentioning TB used to bitch to her on facebook about CiG and others here
Eh? What’s happened with CiG? He hasn’t left the forum has he?
Looks like it. Apparently a bunch of the in-crowd and TB have been conspiring against others here and using Omni as the vessel through which to do their sniping and bitching. It’s all very weird and yucky and I don’t even begin to understand.

love how people are saying 'TB WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG' when a) he was the one obsessed with CiG being a poseur and b) i recall omni mentioning TB used to bitch to her on facebook about CiG and others here
I don’t believe that TB was right all along but according to Omni he was also involved in this bizarre conspiratorial backstabbery so I guess he’s had some first-hand knowledge of the seedy underworld of UM and therefore knew more than most of the rest of us who thought we were just posting shit on a message board. I also find it weird that he is/was friends with her/him? on FB when he apparently hated her guts? And I’m guessing Elric was definitely Omni after all? Didn’t Deron himself confirm that that wasn’t the case though?

In summary, I have no idea what is real anymore.
You guys are all being obtuse. CIG posted only what he wanted you to see from that conversation. There was no grand conspiracy to troll people off the site. GoD showed me a funny instance of CIG clearly lying about a movie so I decided to troll him because he has done the same thing with various albums and bands in order to seem more knowledgeable than he actually is.

Mr. Anti-sensitivity couldn't handle it and he left after yelling at me on Facebook Messenger and blocking GoD and myself there. He also deleted his account on Rateyourmusic because he was being melodramatic. Unlike him, I won't post parts of our Facebook conversation. I will gladly show proof of him being a melodramatic baby to anyone privately though.

I'm not Elric and Krow was just posting that as an attempt to deflect from the fact that he got told by the NWN admin for being a dumbass when he tried to argue with me.
Oh and I have to use a VPN on my phone to even access this site at work. I'll gladly admit that I use one only in that instance.
Looks like it. Apparently a bunch of the in-crowd and TB have been conspiring against others here and using Omni as the vessel through which to do their sniping and bitching. It’s all very weird and yucky and I don’t even begin to understand.

I don’t believe that TB was right all along but according to Omni he was also involved in this bizarre conspiratorial backstabbery so I guess he’s had some first-hand knowledge of the seedy underworld of UM and therefore knew more than most of the rest of us who thought we were just posting shit on a forum.

In summary, I have no idea what is real anymore.

This all seems very confusing! But I kinda get the picture from this. Never thought CiG would leave due to drama. Hope he returns.
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i still have suspicions that omni is elric despite her detailed denials tbh

i don't actually want CiG to leave as i've always got on fine with him, he's one of the forum's biggest contributors and i love the non-metal polls etc, but i'm also not gonna get guilt tripped over it. like i said, i wasn't expecting omni to post anything when i mentioned those CiG posts, and if i'd been annoyed enough about his probably-dishonest post to want him publicly embarrassed over it i'd have done it myself. instead i just thought it was pretty funny and mentioned it to her because she'd just accused him of something similar a couple weeks back. that omni decided to confront him over it is her call.

in any case you'd think a guy who's so disdainful of 'snowflakes' would be able to handle it a little less hysterically than this (even deleting his rym account?!). the 'faggot' thing which already had him on the verge of leaving was another mountain out of a molehill, as various people have pointed out.
I like part of that, but I think CIG has been pretty consistent in his preference for "realness", and GMDS hasn't been very "real" in a while, and Omni is a notable contributer. That there are all these purported backchannels leading back to her just sound like a pervasiveness of cucks.