The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I like part of that, but I think CIG has been pretty consistent in his preference for "realness", and GMDS hasn't been very "real" in a while, and Omni is a notable contributer. That there are all these purported backchannels leading back to her just sound like a pervasiveness of cucks.

keep in mind these backchannels have only been purported by omni herself, directly to the person she was trolling. not exactly a reliable source given she was going out of her way to trigger him by that point.

and yeah i think the whole reason cig is getting called out is because his open preference for realness is perceived as not always being backed up by his actions.
*ding ding ding*

GoD wins!

Remember that CIG was a confessed fan of Pizzagate and other stupid conspiracy shit. It was really easy to troll him and make him freak out because he is a dishonest, paranoid weirdo. Why would TB and I be compatriots in a conspiracy to target CIG? Anyone who believes that is even possible is an idiot.

With GoD's permission, I'll gladly post the extremely non-conspiratorial message exchange that inspired me to troll CIG for obviously lying about something trivial just to seem knowledgeable. For a guy who was a proponent of realness, he did this shit all the time.

I also have Facebook messages from CIG himself where he kisses my ass consistently for the last year and talks about how smart I am and how he wants to know me better and how my writing is awesome before he melts down and tries to say none of my friends like me and that I'm the fakest person ever because I posted about him lying about a movie.
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I remember asking before if people here really went and talked about others on other sites because it sounds so fucking stupid. Mr Night’s Bane was right all along.

I don't know why anyone would give out their Facebook accounts or anything to randos on an internet forum tbh.

EDIT: Reading this whole thing over and trying to understand it, I don't view TB differently from anyone else in terms of backhandedness, the "he was right all along" angle is bullshit. Tech was probably the worst out of anyone when it comes to sniping and gossip, regardless of whether he gossips with Omni about shit in the process. He would always bring Facebook and other real-life shit into the equation, e.g. referring to Omni by her first name here when I don't remember her ever doing so of her own accord, or attempting to refer to me by mine (which I've never posted, but I'm 99% sure that he stalked an obscure forum I visit where people call me 'Aiden' as a joke). He'd be the first person to try and dox somebody if he had the info and desire. That being said, there are obviously cliques on this website that get pretty pathetic as well.

Also, who in the fuck is GoD?
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The sole use of the word conspiracy in relation to a metal board is silly as fuck, but we all know TB used that first as he's hysterical and permabutthurt. I still can't understand how a male can get so riled up in hysteria to drama-leave a forum and delete various accounts over the internet, but I guess we must have one such case per week now.

It's 2018 everyone.
I don't know why anyone would give out their Facebook accounts or anything to randos on an internet forum tbh.
This seems to be the crux of the matter here.

Why would TB and I be compatriots in a conspiracy to target CIG? Anyone who believes that is even possible is an idiot.
Why would you and TB be friends on FB that chatted behind the scenes about forum stuff at all is my question.
Bah, it'll never be back to the glory days pre-2010 because forums aren't in like they were then, but even then there doomsday-sayers saying the forum had been in decline since Deron created GMD Social and who claimed the forum would die in a few short years. Yet, it's still here. I'll give credit to CiG for much of that. The forum was almost dead when he first joined and he brought it back to life.
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That's a pity CIG left as he was the major contributor to the forum. I just laugh at the drama these guys created. They both demanded their accounts be deleted ostentatiously. What person with slight trace of common sense decides to do such shit? It's especially cringeworthy considering that CIG spent most of his days here and on the internet in general. We all know TB had fits of anger and the guy couldn't handle his emotions, but I'm very disenchanted with CIG at this point.
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Why would you and TB be friends on FB that chatted behind the scenes about forum stuff at all is my question.

My Facebook is literally just for online acquaintances, so I don't have any issue with people from forums adding me on there. TB and I were briefly friends on there, but he deleted me a while ago. I'm not sure that he and I ever spent time conspiring behind the scenes. We have had some super long arguments about music though.
Right? Internet drama isn't what makes you a sexual tyrannosaurus. :p

By the way, I've just been checking in on all this because I really have nothing to add. I hope CIG comes back though. He contributes a lot here.

He is kaput from this site at least at the moment. No one goes to the effort of having their info basically scrubbed from the system if they plan on coming back at some point. To quote one of our members:

I don't know why it's surprising to people that some forum members gossip about other forum members off of the forum. The majority of human beings are gossip-happy little imps. The primary difference between real-life gossip and internet gossip is that people that engage in internet gossip are usually too physically unattractive and/or unsuccessful in life to be allowed into the gossip rings of real-life.