Says the guy who makes Mort jokes.
Last work week before vacation. Fully loaded cabin in the woods. Our own private lake. Hiking. Waterfalls. Caves. Beer. Cigars. Debauchery.
What about denim shorts?
I don't think those have ever been on sale in the men's aisle since I've been alive.
I have always wanted to wear suspenders like my Opa. He was a heavy-set guy though so I don't think I could pull it off unless I go full Urkel.
No.You just love when I edit stuff. Is that going to start replacing the played out fat jokes?
So mad. And fat.You sure like to project, don't you?
Yeah, because you're an unoriginal faggot. Go drink a Foster's you dumb pouchmonkey
Been intermittent fasting for the past 3 weeks.
I started off doing 15 hours fasting 9 hours eating.
Now I'm at 16/8
Tomorrow I'm going to go to lunch. No coffee or food until then. Just water.
I've lost weight. Noticed that I don't get sluggish at all. And I just feel better. Pretty cool
But how are your shits tho.