The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Starting a new job in a week... And a part of me is really wishing I just hadn't given notice last week so I could have taken a quick vacation. Just sitting here hardly doing anything, not like I can start new projects and my duties are slowly being dispersed. Mentioned as such but they insist I'll be needed till Friday. Like fuck, I really would love a vacation till the new gig, I can afford it. Maybe if I act like a shit head on my phone all week they'll realize I'm useless and let me go already.
I reported one of his posts when I first saw that signature. I don't think it's against any rules but it's such a fucking eyesore.
So, a few years ago I posted about going to NOLA and meeting an internet friend. I went to NOLA for a birthday celebration, and this dude I knew for over a decade lived there so he met my friends and myself at a birthday celebration. I haven't heard from him since April and I thought something bad happened to him. I checked his facebook and saw that other people were looking for him too. I googled his name... turns out that he's in prison for the possession of child pornography. The weird thing is, like he didn't even come across as... someone who would. Like he is actually a bit of an activist, which is cool in my books. It really took me by surprise, and I'm not even sure how to handle it. Im really split in two because I do try and understand folks and where they are coming from before making a judgment, but sometimes it's hard. My compassionate side is like man did excessive loneliness drive him to look at gross shit he knows he is not suppose to look at. And my more strict up-tight side is completely grossed out. The report said 13 years old and younger.... He did have an obsession with like.... looks and looking younger but tbh everyone does. I suppose who can really tell what's running through someone's mind when they do shit like that. You can only speculate, and 9 times out of 10 you're probably wrong.

Also not surprised by the activist bit, seems like everywhere you look these days there's an overlap of creepy (if not downright illegal) sexual interests and political activism. People who set themselves up as the moral and ethical arbiters of society often have such a fucked up personal life that they live for other people because if they stopped and actually looked at themselves they'd never leave their bedrooms again.

I get trying to be understanding of what people do or go through, but I absolutely draw the line at hebephiles and pedophiles.
Did the report say how much? I had a childhood friend that I discovered was on a sex offender list, but the charge was listed as "fewer than 10 images of a child below the age of 17" or something like that, and I always wonder if there are cases where they accidentally acquire it in the course of broad piracy (for all I know he had nude photos of a 16 year old girlfriend at age 18 as well). But he only received probation, as did the Inquisition guy who was actively seeking child rape videos, so if the NOLA dude is actually in prison he's probably a total fuck up.

Additionally, I know that in the state of Iowa (because of an apparently infamous 4chan member), child hentai is treated the same as child porn, so depending on the laws in Louisiana he could be a pedo but not one that gets off to actual children being exploited.
I mean, me too. I'm not in support of people being attractive to kids lol. Just thought i knew him, when apparently i didn't. The activist bit doesn't like... well I'll say this. Anyone who protest too much to one side is a bit nuts. If they cant see someone else's perspective/life experiences, that's really a problem. I do try to understand people before making a judgement, but my brain does work in a very clear and concise manner. I have no problem seeing right from wrong. He was wrong, completely. However, I'm always trying to understand why someone would even look at that shit in the first place. I suppose it's not for me to understand. Also in NOLA once you're registered a sex offender I believe that's it for you. They have very strict rules. His dad is registered from 1992 and has to re-register every year. I'm disappointed he has to do the same now. I didn't expect him to be like that.... but I suppose you never know anyone.

Here's an edited report:
"Two men living at the same home are accused of being in possession of pornography involving juveniles under 13 years old, according to court records.

Both (the person I knew) age, and (his roommate) age, were both at their home when an agent with the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation Cyber Crime Unit searched the house Monday.

According to their warrants, both men admitted to searching and saving images and videos of children under the age of 13 being sexually abused. Both men were booked into jail Monday afternoon.

Roommate was booked on 20 counts of possession of child pornography and Person I knew was booked on 75 counts of possession and one count of distribution of child pornography. According to his warrant, person I knew admitted to having the porn, but said he "didn't mean to share it."
They both appeared in court Tuesday, person I knew's bail is for $187,500, according to court records. "
His dad is registered from 1992 and has to re-register every year. I'm disappointed he has to do the same now. I didn't expect him to be like that.... but I suppose you never know anyone.

This is probably the key here, as I am pretty sure being abused as a child increases the chances that the child will grow up to have non-standard sexual interests right?
Yeah, I've heard of shit like that too. I don't remember the story exactly but his dad molested/abused him and his sister. Also some accounts of domestic abuse too. Fucked up. He knew better though, idk why he went and looked at that shit. And 75 videos/pictures is an awful lot. It's like a hobby at that point...
Writing a brief essay comparing and contrasting Ingres and Delacroix for a cultural history class.


metal af.