Enjoying internet access while I can...
At dinner my mom asked me how I thought I should be punished for the vape thing. Im 18 and all of my stuff has been given to me, therefore it is still mine and my parents cant take it. They can obviously kick me out or make me pay rent which I am completely fine with, or cut/charge me for internet which I am also completely fine with. The thing I have a problem with is being treated like a child.
In all honesty I dont see a problem with what I did. I broke a school rule and broke the law, but how is that a legitimate reason for something to be "wrong"? Since its MlK day I'll use civil rights as an example. Was a black guy drinking from the white water fountain "wrong" because it was illegal? Most sensible people nowadays would say no. Therefore, you cant really dismiss anything by virtue of it being against the rules. For example, driving on the wrong side of the road is illegal in most places, but is that why its wrong? Im sure some people get killed because of flawed deductive reasoning like this. Its "wrong" because it will get you and some other guy killed. With vaping, the center of the notion that it is wrong is it being in violation of the rules. However, it practically harmless to the user and it makes the bathrooms smell great.
Sorry if that was confusing but its the truth. Any advice on how to negotiate this so I dont have to leave the house or something?