@Dazed and Brutal grossss, you're the reason forums are dying. kill social media kill discord, bring back forums and MSN
i never put much stock in shit omni said btw, it was obvious she was a good bullshitter (she has boasted about this many times on here) and i don't feel 'duped' or 'an idiot' about most of this stuff. the only two instances where i feel duped are when she told me in confidence the same secret she told CiG in confidence, 'cause i genuinely thought she was being candid there (it's a bizarre thing to make up to be fair), and also if she actually is talos, 'cause man she got me big time on that one. i have to admit i'm starting to become a believer about the great talos conspiracy now though, particularly now i think about how she was consciously shifting toward HBB and said multiple times she had more similar taste to him than he thinks etc. heartbreaking stuff for HBB if true, he thought he finally found a soulmate
idk man, i have several long lasting internet friendships with people from metal boards, i still talk to a few people who posted here 15 years ago. i'm not sure omni is a representative example to take lessons from lol