The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

@Dazed and Brutal grossss, you're the reason forums are dying. kill social media kill discord, bring back forums and MSN

i never put much stock in shit omni said btw, it was obvious she was a good bullshitter (she has boasted about this many times on here) and i don't feel 'duped' or 'an idiot' about most of this stuff. the only two instances where i feel duped are when she told me in confidence the same secret she told CiG in confidence, 'cause i genuinely thought she was being candid there (it's a bizarre thing to make up to be fair), and also if she actually is talos, 'cause man she got me big time on that one. i have to admit i'm starting to become a believer about the great talos conspiracy now though, particularly now i think about how she was consciously shifting toward HBB and said multiple times she had more similar taste to him than he thinks etc. heartbreaking stuff for HBB if true, he thought he finally found a soulmate

idk man, i have several long lasting internet friendships with people from metal boards, i still talk to a few people who posted here 15 years ago. i'm not sure omni is a representative example to take lessons from lol
What about all those other times you thought that i was just randomly pulling stuff out of my ass(referring to him as a dude etc)? Dont feel duped there?
i'd have to go back and look tbh. maybe it'll all fall into place and you've never been wrong about anything in your entire time here ;)

@CiG for the record the reason i'm talking about talos is that TB has shown me:
1) a PM from talos saying something quite specific
2) a FB convo with omni where TB asks omni if she remembers saying that specific thing, and omni saying 'yes i remember'.

he laid a trap and she fell in basically lol
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heartbreaking stuff for HBB if true, he thought he finally found a soulmate

I've had suspicions for a while but he's never tried contacting me via PM or anything else remotely personal, and frankly I'm only flattered if someone would create an account just for me. Even if it's conclusively proven that Talos is Omni, I will have no problems continuing to discuss music with him as if nothing happened. Everyone on the internet exists purely to entertain me, after all.
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I didn't really post on this forum for my first couple years after joining because it seemed like there was so much drama and bullshit. It would be legitimately an interesting story if it was all due to the machinations of a single manipulative sociopath exerting feminine power over a handful of e-dominant men who in turn enforced social order over the rest, some Chinese dynastic-tier shit.

This (just look at my join date). The forum has always been full of drama, but the metal love is real.

Omni has been a poison here for a long time. Glad to see the truth at last. We are all real, right?
the only two instances where i feel duped are when she told me in confidence the same secret she told CiG in confidence, 'cause i genuinely thought she was being candid there (it's a bizarre thing to make up to be fair)

I had genuine trans friends who I gave advice that I got from "Judith" on the subject, advice that was pretty specific and seemed like it was coming from a legit source. That said, Tech discovered that Omni dated a trans person years ago, so that would explain the familiarity with the subject I guess.

i never put much stock in shit omni said btw, it was obvious she was a good bullshitter (she has boasted about this many times on here) and i don't feel 'duped' or 'an idiot' about most of this stuff.

The main thing that pissed me off was that "she" smeared me as a doxer to Tech. Not sure what kind of absolute clown, or brazen sociopath, would do that knowing I could debunk it with a screencapture.

idk man, i have several long lasting internet friendships with people from metal boards, i still talk to a few people who posted here 15 years ago. i'm not sure omni is a representative example to take lessons from lol

I mean fair enough, if something lasts 15 years that's worth something. It's still a good rule of thumb to not fall so hard for friends online.

@CiG for the record the reason i'm talking about talos is that TB has shown me:
1) a PM from talos saying something quite specific
2) a FB convo with omni where TB asks omni if she remembers saying that specific thing, and omni saying 'yes i remember'.

he laid a trap and she fell in basically lol

Yeah I've seen all of this stuff, have to say it's pretty fucking convincing and for the longest time I disagreed about Talos being similar to Omni, but once you've seen things you can't unsee them haha. #TrapsettingBarbarity
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I've had suspicions for a while but he's never tried contacting me via PM or anything else remotely personal, and frankly I'm only flattered if someone would create an account just for me. Even if it's conclusively proven that Talos is Omni, I will have no problems continuing to discuss music with him as if nothing happened. Everyone on the internet exists purely to entertain me, after all.

yeah, i knew he was lying about everything and still ha no problem with all that bullshit and idndt give a fuck what he was. But once you start not only talking serious shit behind my back but doxxing my personal info .... then it's fucking on. He literally googled imaged my parents house and sent it to CIG and asked him to post it on here
The first thing that made me suspect that Talos was Omni, independent of others' accusations and our unusually-similar tastes, was that he was apparently a fan of Gene Wolfe, who tends to be particularly popular in the Dark Souls fandom.
I mean fair enough, if something lasts 15 years that's worth something. It's still a good rule of thumb to not fall so hard for friends online.

oh probably. i'm pretty stereotypically male when it comes to friendships i guess, i mostly just chat with people about shared interests and funny shit, it rarely gets personal or deep or w/e. i've had a few personal chats over the years including with people from here, but i'm not usually the one who steers the convo in that direction, it just isn't a natural tendency of mine. i have fallen hard for girls online though, with mixed results lol. then again i think that has mixed results offline as well--even in person it's hard to truly know someone if they don't want you to, although obviously it's harder to hide certain things in person.
I mean fair enough, if something lasts 15 years that's worth something. It's still a good rule of thumb to not fall so hard for friends online.

Ive made friends online that im pretty damn sure arent sociopaths, so I can attest to the idea of actually making friends online. I have always been kind of dubious here, and im not sure if this recent situation will change that just yet. I dont want to get doxxed so I might just stfu now.
The first thing that made me suspect that Talos was Omni, independent of others' accusations and our unusually-similar tastes, was that he was apparently a fan of Gene Wolfe, who tends to be particularly popular in the Dark Souls fandom.
let me ask you something. Would you not be able to tell my posts or CIG's posts form others? I can literally without any names attached here know what post is from who, that's what i mean when i refer to voices. Ive been talking to omni for years now, and im telling you they have the exact same voice.
Ive made friends online that im pretty damn sure arent sociopaths, so I can attest to the idea of actually making friends online. I have always been kind of dubious here, and im not sure if this recent situation will change that just yet. I dont want to get doxxed so I might just stfu now.
you dont strike me as someone who would give anyone a reason to ever want to dox you. But then again, ive seen omni doxxing people he didnt even know .. so who knows
Yeah Omni had it coming, "she" doxed first.

oh probably. i'm pretty stereotypically male when it comes to friendships i guess, i mostly just chat with people about shared interests and funny shit, it rarely gets personal or deep or w/e. i've had a few personal chats over the years including with people from here, but i'm not usually the one who steers the convo in that direction, it just isn't a natural tendency of mine. i have fallen hard for girls online though, with mixed results lol. then again i think that has mixed results offline as well--even in person it's hard to truly know someone if they don't want you to, although obviously it's harder to hide certain things in person.
Ive made friends online that im pretty damn sure arent sociopaths, so I can attest to the idea of actually making friends online. I have always been kind of dubious here, and im not sure if this recent situation will change that just yet. I dont want to get doxxed so I might just stfu now.

I don't mean to say don't be friends with people online, just don't let yourself get emotionally invested in an online friendship. This is why I ragequit to begin with, no country trolled me and instead of just laughing because it's what everybody does I took it to heart. Doesn't mean I'm not going to be friendly with people online and chat about shit, just that I'm not going to get invested in it beyond having some lols and sharing tunes or whatever.

Basically just don't be gay online lol. I have a few longstanding Internet friendships myself, but they took years to get to the level of investment they're at now. That said I am too trusting for my own good and a bit of an Internet cherry, I haven't been drowning in the cesspool of forums for very long compared to many of you. Didn't even have consistent Internet access until I was a senior in high school.
let me ask you something. Would you not be able to tell my posts or CIG's posts form others? I can literally without any names attached here know what post is from who, that's what i mean when i refer to voices. Ive been talking to omni for years now, and im telling you they have the exact same voice.

Depends on the person. You're a distinctive personality so I don't think I'd confuse you with others. CIG maybe but only sometimes, and those sometimes were probably him taking orders from Omni anyways (or him posting tumblr-resolution gifs of middle-aged men shaking their heads as reaction images). On another forum about a decade ago I've actually ousted a couple of returning banned members, but these days I'm a mixture of too dumb and too ambivalent to notice. Every once in a while on this forum I'll see a post, think "Holy shit that's EXACTLY it", attempt to hit the like button, wonder why the button is missing, and then finally notice my own username on the left.
masquerading as chick for metal forum clout is so fucking pathetic hahahahahahahaha
It’s fucking bizarre.

you remember how some of you guys used to try and make fun of me for always accusing "her" of not being who "she" is and would refer to me as some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist or whatever? Yeah ...
I thought there was no way Omni and Talos were the same person. I also had no idea how much messaging you do with people from here outside the forum. I always thought it was weird that Omni and you were fb friends and messaged each other when you hated each other so much.
i used to out falconsbane on here all the time, he fucking hated it lol. he had like 10 alts 'cause they kept getting banned. i was very good at identifying which ANUS stooge was which. maybe i've lost my touch.
you dont strike me as someone who would give anyone a reason to ever want to dox you. But then again, ive seen omni doxxing people he didnt even know .. so who knows

I called you out a while ago in PMs for being mad, but im hoping we are cool now. Clearly this forum has some toxic members.

I don't mean to say don't be friends with people online, just don't let yourself get emotionally invested in an online friendship. This is why I ragequit to begin with, no country trolled me and instead of just laughing because it's what everybody does I took it to heart. Doesn't mean I'm not going to be friendly with people online and chat about shit, just that I'm not going to get invested in it beyond having some lols and sharing tunes or whatever.

I used to hit on my middle/high school crushes on AIM, so I definitely have some experience. There used to be that meme that everyone online was male unless you personally know otherwise. I dont just trust anyone, but some communities are straight up more honest than others. I never felt like this community was safe from this shit, but honestly it seems better now than it used to be.

Basically just don't be gay online lol. I have a few longstanding Internet friendships myself, but they took years to get to the level of investment they're at now. That said I am too trusting for my own good and a bit of an Internet cherry, I haven't been drowning in the cesspool of forums for very long compared to many of you. Didn't even have consistent Internet access until I was a senior in high school.

Not sure when that was, but im guessing around 06/07? Im not much older, but ive seen the internet evolve since the early days so ive seen a lot. If you look back on my early posts on this forum, ive been thoroughly baptized by the assholes they talk about that you dont even know. And some of it was for really embarrassing shit. I think even no country trolled me once, but I was in high school then (and mostly high as fuck) so I guess I deserved it.