didn't want nothin' from you, if i did I would've tagged you. Just thought you would be most affectedObviously I was going to be interested in that file of yours on a person I'd considered a friend for a decade. There's a difference between that and inserting myself directly in the forum drama. That's done now, so, what was it you wanted to know, @rms?
Enough already. A few of us have had a very elaborate correspondence with Omni and this news is devastating. Have a little bit of sympathy and respect for people who are genuine victims of this utterly surreal levels of manipulation. The last dozens of pages contain some of the best posts and jokes I’ve ever seen on this forum and I literally found myself laughing out loud. That being said, let’s put this bullshit behind us. We have one hell of a community here so let’s use that to our advantage and turn this place into one hell of a metal forum.
didn't want nothin' from you, if i did I would've tagged you. Just thought you would be most affected
that's the worst part. he was a horribly uninteresting person on this forum. copycatted and has 0 personality. yet you all got trapped in and still don't hate said person for lying to you for years.I'd still talk to him if he was around.
A few of us have had a very elaborate correspondence with Omni and this news is devastating.
from the tone of the post he was surely at least half kidding?
thanks to CIG for digging up that thread. Another gold mine. Action gets started on page 6
Yeah, way to take my post way, way too seriously everyone.
Back then, the story was that "she" disappeared and got married, which now looks like exactly what happened haha.