The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I have read this thread over the period of 3 days like it was a damn HBO show. Quality stuff. Easily the most dramatic event I've experienced in the 13+ years I've been here :lol:. Personally, I never liked Omni's posts. Mostly because everytime I read her posts, I got the snarky middle-age lady vibe a la:


The guy must have some serious mental health problems to keep something like this going for this long. It's absolutely insane. I pretended to be a woman once on to get help with coding in Assembly many years ago. It was a lowpoint in my life that makes me cringe everytime I think back on it, but I wasn't getting any help as a dude. Once I pretended to be a woman, I was suddenly flooded with answers. Even doing it for 1 hour was painful enough. Doing it for YEARS?! For no benefit either? Most likely he is transgender and living out a fantasy?
I pretended to be a woman once on to get help with coding in Assembly many years ago. It was a lowpoint in my life that makes me cringe everytime I think back on it, but I wasn't getting any help as a dude. Once I pretended to be a woman, I was suddenly flooded with answers.

Literally zero shame in this. If I ever once in my life needed to ask a person for help I'd do the same. The privilege of being thirsted after by sexually-frustrated second-tier men is the greatest privilege of all.
It's been a source of my amusement for years. Every forum, every IRC channel out there has the group of men who see a name that is obviously female or a new person identifying as female and they all rush to the persons aide, or just rush to greet them. It was none funnier than in the days of IRC when each users IP address was displayed as they logged on and you could see them log off with their male name, log back on a few seconds later with their female name on the same IP and then all the males rush in swooning for attention from a chick.
It happened in the Worms Armageddon community too. A guy pretended to be a girl for up to 10 years. One particular player was sure he was in love with an internet persona. There were a few actual female players but they didn't stick around for that long. I have 60 Facebook friends made through playing Worms. They're all male.
I've noticed that's a thing he does, it's like a pseudo-WhiteKnight syndrome.

He was a she when she was Omni. (Quickly, to the Mort Divine thread STAT!) But yeah I've also noticed.

She? Okay I'll keep that in mind for the future, more dick of me to just assume shit like that.

Yeah I just checked the past posts. There's a lightbulb on every single one and that's what she did. I also searched the member's list for her and couldn't find her. Is that how STN figured it out? Was Omni ever a girl?

I've been away, so when I came back and saw an old user posting with a name I didn't recognise I had a quick look at her old posts and saw her quoted as Omni and all the lightbulbs.

Omni was a girl as far as I knew. But also could be Dodens alt :D

Omni at least used to be a girl. I have evidence.

Don't think he's that big on The Chasm and Voivod. But I don't suppose there's any point in me pointing out things like that now that you're set on us being "sisters", since you never reevaluate your own views as evidenced by your persistent belief that Talos is Omni even though that makes no fucking sense.

lmao this is becoming my new dinnertime ritual.

"Let me speak to the manager"
Omni looks like a good deal of the mistresses I visit. They're complete assholes (in a good way).
Usually people say that before I show up rather than after.

This is why I don't post my actual pictures here. :lol:
I'm sure you are a modern Raquel Welch
Not even remotely. I'm far too tall, thin and plain looking.
Squat, eat more protein, and learn some makeup skills.
...I'm not even that creepy.

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But the real question is, what is in that cup?

edit: I'm not as good as Cassette, or good at all. But i tried ...
I'm not even gonna lie, that was probably the hardest i've laughed all week.
Lol yeah I was on the omni = elric train from day 1 but I was way off about Talos apparently

Same. Going through old threads really makes us look like a bunch of retarded cucks and Tech look like a pimp. I'm surprised he even stuck around this long with us since he was basically being attacked from all sides because he had views that are now all vindicated. He has the patience of a saint.

This might be the best series of posts I've come across so far:

First World Problems v.256: Complaining about an incredibly influential technical death/thrash album not being as high as you want it to be ON THE TOP TEN LIST.
First World Problems v.257 using an alt account because .. well im not going to put you on blast like that ;)

how about you stop posting under your alt and come out of the woodwork already sweetheart?
I don't know why you think he's Omni, their tones are completely different.
:lol: well you are soft in the head, so im not really surprised.
Omni is ultra-literal and humorless. Talos is capable of banter and memeing.
The fact that you think shes "ultra-literal" is amazing:lol:

Anyway, i have solid proof. But i wont put her on blast like that.

And i would definitely say shes not humorless, shes actually way funnier than you are.

edit: @HamburgerBoy Actually that's one thing you got right, she is indeed very literal. I thought you said "ultra-literate" for some reason :lol:
Yeah this new meme doesn't really work. Elric of Melniboné was the only one similar enough to Omni to make it lolworthy.
sure, if you say so. Like i said ... i can literally end this in one post, but i'd rather not. I'm not a snitch ;)
I wish you were now because I am intrigued as fuck by this.
Omni is very literal. She always got caught up in pedantic arguments over definitions and shit. She was funny in her own autistic way, but never funny when trying to be funny.

But if I'm wrong, hats off to her, she's showing great strides in overcoming her autism.
For me the chasm of difference between Talos and Omni is more just that Omni is really fucking blunt, whereas Talos seems more socially flexible with his banter.
oh, totally unlike talos. Amirite? :lol:

and i think she has the good kind of autism, not the kind you have.
:lol: you guys are way too easy, i swear. It wouldn't take much for someone as smart as her to dupe the likes of you guys.
Were you even around when she returned as Mercyful Fate?

Why are you sucking her clit so hard right now btw?
no not at all. I guess it was you who i used to refer to as MercyfulCunt, no?
sucking her clit by saying shes on here with an alt? Or sucking her clit by pointing out your mental deficiencies?
Actually that's a really fair point. She, by now, knows exactly how we view her and would know what to do to make us make these very same arguments.

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Also, dont forget who it was that sniffed out elric. And talos is wayyyy more Omni-like, ten-fold
You lose me when you say Talos is Omni-like, but you could convince me with the she knows how to throw us off angle.
talos is nowhere near as omnilike as elric, that's an insane assertion lol. talos can't be omni unless she's been to therapy and cured her deep rooted compulsion toward incessantly correcting anyone who's ever wrong about anything. even taste-wise talos is further away.
Here are the last five Omni posts containing the word "wrong", in the context of a discussion:

Just look at the consistency in her style. Always looking for a fight, always looking for an end with her coming out victorious. Every sentence tries to define the parameters of the argument and then prove her opponent wrong within the confines of it. Strong use of dismissive terms like "blatantly", "obvious", etc.

Now compare Talos:

Shorter sentences, to the point, not worried about hyper-defining and adding caveats to every sentence, a person that doesn't give a shit because he's not autistic. Willing to acknowledge that his posts are just an opinion, not pretending to be some objective arbitrator of artistic merit. Calls people wrong and says "Deal with it", doesn't need to prove anything.

Night and day. They're not the same person.
... sure. whatever you guys say.
suddenly it all makes sense: tech barb is dodens' alt
aahhhhahhahah THANK YOU! I have messages from here that are WORD FOR WORD the same posts that you quoted from Talos. Oh this is just too good. lmfao!
Manic Ferocity tho

I'd imagine Omni's posting style changes a bit when engaging in online erotic roleplay.

But there's one BIG difference, i'm not a giant soft ass pussy.
you must be so jealous of omni right now hbb
dont you ever compare me to that faggot

Nah, you should see some of the PMs TechBarb has sent me in the past, dripping in homoerotic lust and envy.
i've literally sent you one PM asking if you were really a fag like everyone on the forum claims you are. And i think i even made fun of you for it.
@Talos of Atmora could just end this all with a photo holding a sign or something.
TB could also end it with screenshots of these alleged identical messages of omni's. it's not like that would be any more like snitching than outright telling us she's talos like he has been doing.
i have MUCH more than just that (solid stone cold proof), in case you missed one of my previous posts. But im not going to get into all of that.

Its so funny how she can just fiddle all you little clueless twats on her fingers. Also Hbb im pretty sure she would put on one of her strap-ons and rape your butt.
You sent me the message in my signature. Then you sent me another along the lines of "oh ok it's cool, i'm starting to appreciate the gays more, hehe lol!" (you literally said "hehe"), then followed a couple months by "HEY WHY DID YOU DELETE ME FROM YOUR LASTFM FRIENDS LIST YOU FAG" (something I never did). You want my boipucci so badly but you're too hormonal and insecure to ever ask me outright.
I'm pretty sure you don't know her as well as you think you do if you think she'd waste time pegging someone like me and not one of her horsecocked black boyfriends.
I what? ahhhahhahhahaha are you serious? I fuckin' deleted you from every one of my circles once you started replying to me in your homoerotic manners. "im starting to appreciate the gays" lmaaaaooooo
well, everyone else seems to be fucking each other, want a go on my hot rod @CASSETTEISGOD?
But then I'd ruin the fun. ;)
Does Omni even like Star Wars though? I'm not about to waste time pouring over her post history so you guys would have to tell me. Since last year, I've just been seeing the conversations about her and just haven't participated all that much due to not knowing anything.
... lol, you guys really dont see this? :lol: amazing
Talos just post a fucking picture or this autism will continue and we'll never get to the end of this fucking game's results.
pompey was the first to mention elric being omni afaik, maybe only privately though.

i had the opposite feeling to hbb re: talos funnily enough, thought he lacked omni’s deadpan and was just curmudgeonly lol
Drinking in bars is expensive and the atmosphere is usually subpar. I only have one bar that I visit with any regularity, and that's because I get a discount because I paid $35 to be a lifetime member the day that it opened. It's a video game-themed craft beer bar in Orlando.

I usually only go to try whatever they get in kegs that I can't buy elsewhere to enjoy at home.
Just made the sudden decision to move to Orlando. See you in approx. 11 hours
Sounds good. I'll be the girl who isn't waiting for you at the airport and never meets up with you.
Obviously. That would blow your "I'm a female" cover.
Or I just wouldn't want to hang out with some random dude from the internet that decided to move to Orlando because I mentioned it.
I heard Florida is humid and full of assholes.
It's pretty terrible here.

Well i wasnt PMing any of you guys att so it means nothing really. What i do have is a bunch of poatawhere Vegard thinks hes talking to someone who he clearly doesn't think is omni, and even tags him in games/polls that Omni had voted in(which is solid evidence that he thought they were different people unless he himself was trying to rig thosw polls)....

while at the same time here i am ....
She's still here. Everyone knows that, right @Elric of Melniboné ?

and im sure there;s a bunch of older stuff, but i usually just quoted shim and made fun of shim so those wont pop when searching