The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Life’s been thrown into chaos.

after a doctors appointment last Monday my wife was admitted to the hospital. Our hospital is around an hour from our house. I stay every night with her on a hospital recliner... on weekdays I leave from there to go to work in the morning. I’m averaging being home 3 hours a day during the week and maybe six on the weekends.

I’m living out of my car and a big backpack while my family helps care for my animals. I haven’t eaten food cooked at my home in 6 days now.

That sounds fucking horrible. I hope she gets better soon and you guys can get back to normal - whatever normal is for you guys.
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Alternator in my car is toast. Felt like something bust in my car going down the highway and my battery light came on. Worked far enough for me to get to the auto shop and the battery loses all juice. Replaced the battery and bought a new alternator. At an actual shop today to see if its really the problem and see if they can get it installed.

EDIT: It wasn't the alternator thank fuck. It was the driver belt. It was shredded to hell, but thats an easier and cheaper fix than an alternator.
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same thing happened to me earlier this year, i miraculously managed to fix it with a windows reinstall and some hardware jiggling but i expect itll die again at some point
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My desktop that I built myself some five years ago died this year also. The cpu started overheating so I replaced the cooler and now the fucking thing makes a chainsaw noise the instant I boot it and I'm so fucking done with PC building for the foreseeable future. It's fun when everything works, but just nerve-racking when you don't have the time to troubleshoot errors or the finances to replace components you manage to break in your own ineptitude.
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The one advantage of having a store room full of parts to sell customers is that if my computers shit themselves I just replace shit until I'm happy.
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Sitting on the Quad at Xavier University in Cincinnati, where I got a new job this semester teaching Latin and Roman History. I think The Ozzman went here. Checking into the forum like I do every few months to see how much of the old guard are still around.
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