The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I was going over my old CDRs and found one of Metallica's And Justice For All, an album I haven't touched in years, and now I'm kind of regretting that I've sold the original. It still sounds pretty damn good, surprisingly, perhaps even moreso than any other Metallica.
I'll need to revisit all of their old albums, just for nostalgia's sake.
Wondering whether I'll be able to get to sleep tonight. I'm feeling kind of tired right now, but it doesn't make any sense since I woke up at 6 PM today. I have work in 5 hours, so I figure I should at least try.
Debating on either A)Playing some guitar(which is really what I should be doing) or B)Playing God of War II to get a little further on god mode.
Debating on either A)Playing some guitar(which is really what I should be doing) or B)Playing God of War II to get a little further on god mode.

I had to sell my GOW II before I could beat it on God mode... did you ever beat the first one on God mode? I couldn't get past my clones, I spent hours on it and I declared it physically impossible.
Mainly because by that time the controller had been beaten into submission by my constant throwing of it.
I haven't beat GoW on god mode. The only reason I feel motivated to do so on II is because I would unlock more costumes. I think in the original you just unlock more background story but idk. Im seriously thinking about getting a PSP for Chains of Olympus.
I know you get the story of Cronos if you beat it, so i was interested in that. I think Chains of Olympus will be completely worth a new PSP. I just hope I have the money for a PS3 by the time 3 comes out.
Also, FFXIII comes out later this year supposively, and I NEED that game.
You raise a good point about FFXIII. I hope they maybe go back to a more traditional style in FFXIII. I mean I liked FFXII but I also liked it when there was an actual world map. The days of 3-5 discs were nice too. I think Square Enix should just remake FFVII already. If FFVII was remade as a PS3 exclusive I would go out asap and get a PS3. Seriously they've made the teaser trailer, Advent Children, and a couple spin-off games (Dirge of Cerberus I think it was called?).

Edit : Made my post more coheirent.
They should remake FF6, it's got a futher ways to go "up". They haven't already done that, have they? There were some sequences tacked onto Anthology, but...