The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Uh...that's true. Is that a really big deal for you? I'll never see a concert with Death, Emperor, and Amon Amarth together, but you don't see me cutting myself...
Eating cavatelli, watching scrubs, and about to do the weekly food shopping. At work today it was determined that I am the living incarnation of Wolverine (X-Men) right down to the sideburns and attitude. Yeah, I'm cool. :cool:
just got back from my trip. dayton was ok. DC was awesome. had a blast in georgetown, and at cia. i cant believe how many beautiful women there are working at the cia. unbelieveable. makes me wanna get my degree and work for em!

also, the baylor basketball team was stayin in our hotel. too bad they lost though. i really wanted to spend more time with the cheerleaders

now i shall eat!

ZEPH: im gonna send you an PM. somthing youll be interested in i thinks
Right now I'm drinking a Hacker-Pschorr Edelhell. Pretty good. I'd still take a Franziskaner Heffeweise over this any day.
Woke up after a successful radio show last night. I decided not to use notes when speaking this time, and I thought I did well. I feel my confidence has risen a bit.

And that PM has potentially made my day, gR!