The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

getting ready for work

That sucks!

I hate working and work 5,6 nights a week usually from around 2 until 10 at night and get like 4 hours of sleep at the most and my sleep cycle is so messed up. I worked last summer monday through friday from 8 in the morning until 5.

you can't win

I'm just going to start buying scratch offs

Businesses have you so controlled you don't even care and still work even for a lousy paycheck. I am always wondering why do I go to work.

I wish restaurant workers would stop caring and let the places fold. I worked on a ranch before this and it's even more bullshit because it's you and some people taking care of the most beautiful place and no one or the owners are even there 80% of the time somewhere else on another ranch they own to even see how nice it looks or see all the bullshit people do just for some billionaire assholes that do not even really need all they have and don't even use it. I think these people have to be assholes to actually own 3 different ranches.

I'm just trying so hard to not become an asshole because of a job.
Just spent the day trying on suits. I've never actually owned a good suit, so it's about time I got one. Hugo Boss was the pick of the bunch.
Smirnoff is terrible. I'm pretty sure you can afford an extra $2 for decent vodka.

Try Zubrowka (if you can find it), a good Polish vodka which sells for a reasonable $13 here.

I'm 20 so need adults to get me alcohol and they will not get me liquor so basically just get cheap beer and get sick of it and than drink smirnoff. I would rather just drink shots.
So it's 5:55 am, I haven't gone to bed yet. Perhaps I should? I could potentially be working tomorrow since I have one full-time job weekdays, and an on-call job on weekends if needed. Hopefully they won't give me a call tomorrow...but I'm a pessimist, and my luck is always bad :)
the smirnoff twist stuff is hella good though. girly drink or not. sour apple is the shiznit

oddly enough, the only time ive really gotten hurt moshing was at an STP show. it was the grand opening of the sac valley ampetheater (sp?) and we were giving free tickets by the local radio station (they came to our school with a crappy local "industrial" band named luxt). STP, papa roach, and full devil jacket were playing. the one song STP had a pit for and i go over the chain rain seperating the lawn from the seats and i tweak my ankle. i had to be wheeled out of there.

*sigh* good times, good times
np taake
speaking of jobs.

I think I am great looking so regardless having a shitty job think I still have a shot with a rich girl. If I have a rich girlfriend and play guitar in a rock band eventually will not have to work anymore.

I was thinking if you have spent shitloads of time playing a guitar or instrument you might aswell use it to try and get what you want.
the type of girls who dig you because youre in a band, are the kind of girls you dont want!

for example, the 30 y/o married chic with 3 kids (from 3 fathers) who slept with the rest of the band and now wants to sleep with you. true story. i still talk to her too. maybe i'll hit it when the divorce is final. but probably not. since we dont live near eachother anymore

np PSYPHERIA. man, i miss going to their shows.
wishing i went to sleep earlier last night.

stayed up way too late watching NCIS and thinking about an idea for a business. ya know, seeing if it would actually work. i think it would!

np loudness
Listening to Candlemass, passing the time until I have to be on my way. I've got an improv show tonight up in the Poconos. Some family rented an entire fucking camp for their daughters Bat Mitzvah and they hired some company to book the entertainment for them, so the company called us. I don't know how much I'm getting paid for it, but I heard something about two hundred dollars, so that will be pretty sweet pay for an hour of work.

np: A Cry From the Crypt