The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

sweet. didnt know you were into that. hence the question

i love that show. i cant wait for the next dvd set to come out!
I need to get some more Candlemass. Mainly Nightfall.

I was reluctant for a while to get Nightfall since I heard that Messiah's vocals are an acquired taste, but having finally listened to the album(thanks to cook-ta's link in the Doom Metal thread), I must say that they're great. Definitely picking up the album as soon as possible . Nightfall didn't flatten me like Epicus did, but it's still an excellent successor.
It had its moments, like "Copernicus" and "Black Dwarf", but overall it wasn't worth staying in my collection.

i thought the album was solid. i dont have much basis for comparison though. its the only album of theirs i have. i really dug black dwarf and 7 silver keys
I am currently being bored as fuck. I wanted to have a band meeting with my friends today but that fucking fell through. Sigh, another boring wasted weekend.
sitting here bored. weekends are always slow for us. *counts the minutes until the chow hall opens*

cmon people, post stuff!

np vital remains
Just ate lunch of a cheeseburger and sun chips. I'll probably read/waste time today until Nuit Blanche starts. Apparently it's an all night contemporary art thing that is going on around the University. Will probably be fun for a while.
I just helped my friend downstairs clean up his dorm room. The place was a war-zone. His room mate took a picture and he's putting it up on his blog.
Bought more shit, selling my Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain kvlt wooden box on ebay. Read The Symposium and now have to write a paper on it, and then outline a presentation for my Lit Theory class...And read Jane Eyre for the 4th time.