The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

and i LOVE living on my own now. and believe it or not, but living in military dorms is worse than restrictive parents. im so glad to be out of there

You must have lived in a fucked up base, because I have some buddies that live in the dorms and love it.

Anyways, I'm hating the fact that I'm too sick to even leave the house, let alone play in a baseball game.
I have a bio project where I have to make a dna model. Fuck that! But in World history I get to make a power point about Dante! I'm gonna have a huge part of it about The Divine Comedy.
Mathiäs;7094439 said:
You must have lived in a fucked up base, because I have some buddies that live in the dorms and love it.

i hate room inspections and random middle of the night piss test/dorm searches. i never had this problem in japan though. so yeah, its hella gay here
Chaotica: The Essence Of The Underworld/Storms To Unleash rerelease of older material. Know what you're talking about before correcting someone, dude. On my part, guess I should've been more specific.

I've seen it in stores, and I didn't buy it because it benefits the band in no way because it's not their release. Do the research.

NOTE: The "Historica" box-set, the DVD edition of "Live Eschaton", the "Live In Toulouse" EP and the "Chaotica - The Essence of the Underworld" compilation are considered non-official releases, not authorized by the band. They were released by Metal Mind Productions without permission.
Going to study my Arabic test for the fist time since the beginning of this school year. It'll be a lot of fun.