The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You can put butter on bread anytime. You've never put butter on bread and eaten it with pasta? What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

Was reading Terrorizer the other day. Was a tour report on some random yank thrash band whose name currently escapes me, he was almost offended when he saw someone have a chip roll.

And currently contemplating whether I can be fucked to go to Bloodstock on my doug. Haven't bought the tickets or anything, but I looked over at the site and it's only £85 and that includes camping. Pretty good deal, but the mate I might go with will be out of the country :erk:
Eating chewy chips ahoy which are called "Tendres pepites de chocolat de M. Christie" in french (wtf?). I was had been having a very good stretch the past few weeks but the past few days me and some friends of mine have been a little down. Not really sure what it is but I've had a shorter leash with all the annoying people I deal with here and in real life.

Fading in the stretch?
No. I only put it on one side, but when I do grilled cheese, I butter the outsides of what will become the grilled cheese sandwich and place it in the skillet. You understand?

Oh. Okay. Now I get it...
I might try that sometimes, but olive oil works for me. Adds flavor, too.

Currently in Java. Waiting for the day to end. Which it won't anytime soon.
duuude, Olive Oil ftw.
Im a cook, I love fucking around in the kitchen with all the ingredients:)random though, but w.e

also, drinking coffee and being stoked about seeing george michael
A few minutes ago, i came back from shopping with my sister, i really had fun. Going to take a shower. I am planning on not sleeping tonight, i don't know why, but i planned it.
Chips in a bread bun.

a.k.a. a chip butty.

Chips. Butter. Bread.


That sounds disgusting.

Just to make sure though, you are talking about this kind of chip, right?


Though presumably a more thickly-sliced kind, with less oil and salt.
Right now I'm getting drunk instead of doing my formal semantics homework because this shit is seriously gay. What is the theoretical payoff with this shit? This is the most pointless intellectual masturbation fucking ever. This makes philosophical reflections on the nature of quantified modal logic look profoundly important in comparison.

Man, I fucking loved semantics in the uni, but that's mainly because we had a freakingtastic teacher. Plus, she was hot. I deliberately signed up to all of her courses- advanced semantics, a seminar in semantics and excelled in all of them. Sure, it's pointless masturbation, but it was so fun to learn all this shit.

Mary was crossing the road when the truck hit her.

In all possible worlds where the truck continues on its predetermined route, Mary will never cross the road.
Bla-bla-bla, in that spirit.
A few minutes ago, i came back from shopping with my sister, i really had fun. Going to take a shower. I am planning on not sleeping tonight, i don't know why, but i planned it.

Last time I shopped with my sister, it was 5 hours from hell sitting around in department stores, just so that in the end of the day she purchases nothing. This was like 10 years ago.