The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Earlier I was crossing a street, a car was coming a mile off, and I held up my hand to stop it...dunno why. My friends and I had a chuckle about it.
road cones are the best way to stop a car.usually they sit there for five minutes trying to figure out what to do, but eventually move them while yelling stuff like "your not funny" or you guys are really immature" into the darkness.
Just got out of the shower. I had two baseball games today, and I started the second one. Played well defensively but didn't do much at the plate.

Now going to play a couple games of Halo before going to bed.
I'm sitting around drinking beer and listening to tunes in my apartment alone...again. Tonight sucked. My cousin invited me to go out with him and one of his black friends so we decided to go to 4th avenue (very popular place for young people to bar hop over here) but everything sucked over there so we left. Then we went to this bar where all these Mexicans hang out but there was this huge line to get in and I felt really out of place because there I was being grim with my Burzum shirt with all these people dressed up all suave and shit. So I left but damn I could've stayed and pimped some bitches because I always know how to charm the Mexican bitches. Oh well, there will be other times.
Drinking coffee, listening to Hellhammer and deciding what to do this evening.
Just got back from some health fair thing. I went with one of my friends and there was a dress room. Me and him went in, put on a dress with all of that other shit, walked around the whole fair and then went back. We got a lot of weird looks. People thought we were on drugs.