The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

There are no set tables in the caf, but it's kinda segregated by race...preps, wiggers, black kids, asians, and then a kinda melting pot.
However, the anime club has taken over the overflow area, where they play cards, talk loudly about nerdy shit, and, judging by the state of the walls, throw sushi.
Every lunchroom has it's segregation. No lunchroom has set tables, at least very very few, the segregation occurs through human nature.
Maine only needs math to keep stats on the lobster fishery.

Like Texas has much to count? We count cows and the horsepower of our trucks... that's about it.
We have this lameass gang of bikers. All freshmen, lip rings, riding little kid bikes, wearing ridiculously tight jeans. Very amusing.
We also have a surprising number of jocks. You don't realize how many there are till you go into the caf.
Ah the jocks, I'm so glad to be rid of that stock. They'd always form the cheering section as sporting events. All the guys in their baseball caps and polo shirts cheering obscenities and doing those group clap-shout routines while they tease their girlfriends.
That is the best comeback ever. My favorite way to say it has always been "Keep digging, Watson" but that's passable also. ;)

Also LOL @ having tables in class. WHAT IS THIS, KINDERGARTEN?!