The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Diablo 2 time. Going to continue playing with my sorc, its just so hard because there are so many choices of skills. But I'll just use all of them.
What allows me to play Diablo 2 online.

Anyway just got back from the woods, I thought of building an Inca style pyramid after seeing Inca ruins in Peru. So I felt like building it in a creek, so far I blocked off the water (almost) to an area in the creek. Tomorrow or next weekend I'll bring a shovel and start filling it in so I can work on the next level of it.

edit: SHIT! I just realized I built it at the side, I guess it wouldn't be too hard to move my walls a little so the water goes around.
wc3? sc? diablo2?

wooosh! right over my head :lol:

3 amazing games. Go out and play Diablo 2. Most metal video game ever created, even though it has no heavy metal involved.

Discovered today that reading Brian Lumley while listening to kvlt black metal is a recipe for awesome.
Diablo 2, however, does not.
Although it has an ill ambient soundtrack that could have been written by some BM dude.