The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got home from work. Got out a bit early and about to hop in the shower. Got the house to myself until Sunday. Who wants to party?
Watching the football game Man. U. vs Chelsea, hoping Chelsea will finally win their first CL trophy in their first ever final/
Just finished my last Lost Coast Brewery Oatmeal Stout and watched a few episodes of Family Guy. I'm taking it easy this week. Yesterday I went to the beach with some friends and got a little sun poisoning, I think. At least, I'm definitely sunburned and I feel slightly sick still. That's the price you pay for fun in the sun. :cool: Hopefully I'll get in some quality writing tonight. Creative, of course; I write fantasy fiction and poetry in my spare time, and I have a few short stories that are more "post-modern" reality fiction.

I expect to be spending a lot of time on this forum this summer. With the girlfriend gone, I'll have a lot of spare time (but at least I'll have more time to spend with my mates :cool:).
Haha, I barely ever get sunburned. The only time I got badly burned was in Peru because I wasn't wearing sunblock and I think Peru has the most UV in the world.
Watching this :lol:x999999999999
