The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Feeding moths to my cats. It's a nightly ritual I have in the summer. I turn the lights on my porch on every night and wait a while for the moths to show up and sit on the windows. I go outside and grab some and feed them to both my cats, one at a time, alive. It's quite amusing to watch them go after the little creatures.
shoving food down my throat to make it to a show on time.

also, THE CD IS DONE!!!!! i was hoping tyo burtn copies to hand out at this show, but i dont have time. but seriously, if you want a CD-r, PM me. i will be gone for a wekk, starting sunday, but i will burn them all when i get back and send them out. it turned out badass. check our myspace soon for two of the tracks
Glad to be done with my first full week of work. Now I'm listening to a very bizarre piece of music a friend of mine sent me called "Litanies of Satan" by Diamanda Galas. It consists of two songs, the first of which is purely a woman shrieking various words and sounds for 12 minutes. The second song which I'm listening to now has the woman shouting in what sounds like French with various statics and drum sounds in the background. Really frightening stuff.

Galas is indeed disturbing stuff. Check out Khlyst and Jarboe for more chicks going nuts vocally.
So on the train up to OKC I sat across the way from this extremely hot girl, and she randomly starts a conversation with me by asking what I was listening to. I told her Devourment and she asked to look through my CD's. She comes to the Torsofuck CD (with book in front) and looks through it. I waited for some kind of comment similar to "you sick fuck!" Instead, though... she just laughed and said it was funny, then talked to me for a few minutes and gave me her phone #.

Mind you, I am not even in the vicinity of being an attractive man, nor a particularly interesting one... yet some random hot chick gave me her number after looking through my violently disturbing CD's containing minor necrophilia and some diarrhea sex...

It was like the Twilight Zone... I'm at a complete loss for words. Do I call? Do I run? Do I prepare for the coming Apocalypse? I am seriously confused.
Im realistic... I know what I am, I know what I'm not.

I'm decently intelligent, and I'm interesting if you have the same hobbies as me, but as far as appearance goes... this girl was way out of my league.

Also, I think she lives somewhere in Dallas, which is kind of far away, so I don't know about calling.
Eating steak and talking to an awesome UMer on AIM.

It isn't typical until you do my laundry and get me a beer.

Also, Ozzman, I am doing laundry tonight, and I was planning on doing yours too, but where is it? I'm not fucking doing your laundry unless you bring it here.
I'd also get you a beer but I'm only 20, so you'll have to fend for yourself.
Mind you, I am not even in the vicinity of being an attractive man, nor a particularly interesting one...

Well I don't know about interesting, but I just myspace stalked you and you look fine to me... so I don't know what you're talking about. I'd probably chat you up... unless those pictures on your myspace are pictures of someone else.
Not creeped out... I mean... it's Myspace... it's public and stuff.
Funny story, though... forgot I posted that URL.

edit: I just myspace stalked you, as well.

Also, your stalking inspired me to finally change my playlist, because noone on UM (or anywhere for that matter) needs to ever see my playlist before I joined this forum. I was productive today.
just got back from a metal double header. went to the alabaster morgue CD release show, and left just in time to see JAG PANZER. epic metal night

now, i command thee to go here and then come back and post that you are listening to kastigation's new shizzle!