The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Eh, fuck it. Keep going!

the funnest thing to do when your drinking is bring a breathalizer along with you to see how high you can blow. This is a pre-Superbad game of mine, too.
Listening to Epica is playing right now. I've never listened to them before. But they sound pretty good imo.
I should really stop drinking as early as I do. Saturday night is the night where you're supposed to hang out and drink with your friends until like 3-4am. I'm too drunk right now to drive and my friends live like a 15-20 minute drive from my house.

The good thing about drinking early is you're over your hangover much earlier.
im shopping for drums. i like the idea of having everything i need for a jam session. also, our drummer needs new drums but cant afford any.

Would you stop with having terrible reading comprehension?
I didn't mean in this specific case. I meant that there has been a clear pattern of you dismissing someone else's opinion because they don't pay taxes.

im shopping for drums. i like the idea of having everything i need for a jam session. also, our drummer needs new drums but cant afford any.
Do you just bankroll your entire band?
And that why they brought you in?
Just sayin'...rhythm guitar and all...
When you are able to drive and pay for your own shit and get a job, you will have the privilege of saying shit like this.
Sounds like a pretty clear dismissal of his opinion because he doesn't drive/pay for stuff/have a job/etc.
Ok. Not taxes. Doesn't matter - taxes was just an example. My point is, you attempt to pull age (having achieved the lofty age of what, 24?) frequently and in situations where it means nothing.
Pulling age is always obnoxious, but here it's also completely retarded because the topic is CELL PHONES.
Well, 14 and 15 years old frequently think they know everything there is to know about life when it's not true. His viewpoint on things will change once he starts working and is able to pay for shit on his own because he'll want stuff because he can have it, not because it is necessarily practical in nature.
ml is 16, and I think that in practical matters he thinks fine. As far as wanting stuff because you can have it, it's not like that doesn't start until the moment someone hands you a paycheck. His point was not that you shouldn't want extra features, but that not having the extra features are not necessary and people shouldn't whine about not having them. I don't think this indicates a flaw in his outlook on life, and I thought your response was obnoxious and condescending.