The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well I'm afraid to destroy the nice relationship we already have by getting rejected and therefore making things really weird. Plus she's one of those really hot artsy types that I think likes some metal. What killed me was today I had like 15 opporotunities to do it, and on the last one I was actually going to and one of my jackass friends walked up and started talking. Fuck
Mathiäs;6590438 said:
Well I'm afraid to destroy the nice relationship we already have by getting rejected and therefore making things really weird. Plus she's one of those really hot artsy types that I think likes some metal. What killed me was today I had like 15 opporotunities to do it, and on the last one I was actually going to and one of my jackass friends walked up and started talking. Fuck

It is better to ask her out and know her answer than be afraid and speculate. Be self-confident, you can be a brave male in her eyes heh.
Going to watch House in a few minutes. I used to be indifferent about this show but now I'm getting into it. I like people who say what's true and strip out bullshit, so I like the House character. He even had a mini argument with a mormon last week where the mormon said "A finite universe? Where's the fun in that?" and House responded "It's not about fun, it's about truth" :worship:. You all know how much I love religious arguments :lol:
gonna watch the military channel soon, i'm looking forward to that. I really enjoying the f4 phantom vs migs dogfight shows. mig, ftw! I want a MiG 35 for Christmas and blow shit up!

i'm a military buff.