The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

grace jones is the scary black woman who was in Conan the destroyer and also in james bond a view to kill.


damm it beaten to the mark
Who wants a good script or good dialogue? I'm looking for hilarious acting and dialogue such as the following (taken from the Conan the Adventurer series, delivered in a monotone) "by Crom, I will defeat you and bring justice to all the people you have killed."
There's plenty of stuff like that in conan one don't be fooled. Better acting maybe, it's still the schwartzenegger and some weird stereotype asians and a hot babe or two. Actually the blonde is pretty good but it could just be that I fancied her.

this is what my friend said about it:
George "Well, each to his own, but Conan has no storyline, the acting is shit, and the script is downright terrible.

Still, wouldn't do if we were all the same. smile.gif "
heh. hercules in new york anyone?

"O my! A bear!" "RAAAR!" "RAAR!" "You killed the bear!"
or something like that.
I do find it pretentious when the 'intelligencesia' call something tosh and even mainstream because it was mainstream ages ago and now it has a small but loyal following. It's hypocritical. Cough Opera cough.
Listening to music. I have the worst hangover i've had in a long time. Me and 5 friends just hanging out at the spot with a fire and it was like usuallly it's pretty fucking hilarious.

anyways I took a massive piss right between two church doors(some weird church where they dress funny) and it was a good night. I remember taking my shirt off and than wore this really tight shirt(no idea where it came from ) and a friend goes something like that looks like something billy idol would wear and rips the shirt off me and throws it in the fire.:)

I drank some yager than about 8,9 beers and than went to a bar and had 2 rum & cokes and than tried to get the bartender to give me a free drink.

I was so fucking trashed.