The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

No, just metal masters.

So I decided to start getting into better shape. On Saturday, I took two half hour or so walks, then yesterday I wound up overdoing myself swimming for like 6 hours, which I paid for by hardly getting any sleep from the aches and pains. This morning I could hardly get out of bed. But I popped some advils and a couple hours later I took a 2 1/2 walk, then came home and did some other light calisthenic exercises, then attempted to find some reasonably healthy food to eat, followed by a much needed shower.

Good for you. Keeping it up is the hard part. I've sorta slipped in my own, because of the hours involved in my work (I literally have just enough time to eat and go for a run, meaning if there's any traffic on the way back I don't have time) and the air quality warning last week.

So I spent the last 3 hours writing down the titles of a shelf of books about cape cod. Why? No reason. No one will ever see this list except the librarian, who doesn't actually need it. It was an utter fucking waste of time, and she wants me to do more. I learned nothing and accomplished nothing. I'm kinda pissed about it.
I haven't heard enough Hanoi Rocks to make an opinion, but I bought a Def Leppard album the other day so I can't complain.
Yeah, I'm not looking to bulk up, but rather slim down and possibly tone. I'm not interested in having big muscles or being super strong or anything, just being healthier, having more energy, and having a better looking physique. I already feel like I have more energy, so that's good.
Yeah, I'm not looking to bulk up, but rather slim down and possibly tone. I'm not interested in having big muscles or being super strong or anything, just being healthier, having more energy, and having a better looking physique. I already feel like I have more energy, so that's good.

Well lifting weight is not always about bulking up. Depends on your approach to it. If you do short series with higher weight then you're going to bulk up. Do longer series with lighter weight and you'll increase your resistance without really gaining mass.

I do more cardio then anything else though.

Is that all the result of a basketball game? :p
Yeah, but certain programs tone muscle, certain ones give you bigger muscles, etc. It burns calories, which is a major factor in what you want to do anyway. I mean, just doing bicep curls or tricep extensions will get you more definition in your arms.
I wasn't responding to you tbh, nor was my previous post meant to contradict your suggestions, I was just stating what my intentions were.
It's the result of many things, tbh.

Cool. Personnaly I prefer doing sports then just cardio/weight type stuff. I can go play tennis, hockey, whatever and it's a lot funner to exercise that way. But when nothing is available I can go to the gym or just go run outside. I try to do some form of physical activity for at least 1 hour a day.
Weight lifting can get you toned muscle, you fucking idiots. It's obvious rms has never lifted weights

Well ive been working out for about 6 weeks so yah. You came off as sounding that he wanted to bulk, not tone. Sure if he does like 3 sets of 20 reps each he can do that
Just watched Conan on TV. I really love that film. Not everyone's cup of tea but neither is metal, lol, so whatever.