The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I had a such a great time with this girl yesterday. I liked her, and i think she liked me too. I told her i call you, but i don't know if i'm going to call her.

Call or fail. Your choice.

I just got back from lifting. I am enjoying the cool morning and the sounds of the birds chirping. I feel quite mellow. :)
Just woke up. The neighbors dog is barking it's fucking head off. It woke me up at 7:fucking30. Good thing I fell back asleep. That dog always fucking barks, and it's annoying.
I watched the end of season 3 of lost last night. Or early this morning. Actually, 4 isn't particularly early.
Whatever. Anyhow, it got a little to ridiculous for me. It doesn't really bother me that season 4 isn't out on DVD yet iirc.
Yeah, I probably will go and take one. I'm just fucking lazy. Also, I know I'm not going anywhere today. But then again I haven't taken one since Saturday. Meh I'll take one at 1:30.
Sometimes during the summer when I don't go out much it's tempting to let grooming habits slide, but I force myself to shower at least every other day even if I'm just sitting around the house, and if I go out or do anything of course I shower.
Shaving, on the other hand, tends to lapse. I have a beard, but I usually try to keep it trimmed. This can simply not happen for several weeks during the summer.
Sometimes during the summer when I don't go out much it's tempting to let grooming habits slide, but I force myself to shower at least every other day even if I'm just sitting around the house, and if I go out or do anything of course I shower.

That is pretty much the same for me(I took a shower today). But the thing for me is that I never brush my teeth in the summer. Because I tend to a. Be on the computer late, and don't feel like brushing, or b. I'm not home.
Sometimes during the summer when I don't go out much it's tempting to let grooming habits slide, but I force myself to shower at least every other day even if I'm just sitting around the house, and if I go out or do anything of course I shower.
Shaving, on the other hand, tends to lapse. I have a beard, but I usually try to keep it trimmed. This can simply not happen for several weeks during the summer.

you dont shower with long hair youll have pimples up the ass =/ I gotta shower 10x a week now that I fucking work out, my face breaks out bad if I dont.

just got back from da gym. starting to do 2 scoops of thy protein shake and going to shower afterwards. Giving Resound the Horn a listen as well